What is that one video game cheat code you’ll never forget about?
I’ll start us off with the classic “Explode All Cars” cheat from the classic 2004 game Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, as that is one that I remember using a lot for no rhyme or reason:
DOOM: IDDQD - god mode, IDKFA - all weapons / items
SimCopter - I’M THE CEO OF MCDONNELL DOUGLAS unlocks all helicopters
Superpower multiply
Rosebud for money in the Sims
Don’t forget all the :;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;
didn’t play much og sims, but sims2 (and later, iirc), motherlode gives more.
i also had a few custom items i could drop in to a house, too.
They also had “kaching” or something similar instead of rosebud in Sims 2 I think. But it was only 1k or 5k unsure. Motherlode was much more ye
Or motherlode
Also “move objects on”
Just gonna delete these bills here… Hey why not the whole mailbox?
I also once had a sim make enough garden gnomes to fill every single tile of the street… Then he kicked one. 😂
Konami code, natch
“up up down down left right left right B A B Start”
Contra - NES
Actually it works in a whole bunch of Konami games, and of course some modern games have thrown it in as an homage.
Isn’t it just ↑↑↓↓←→←→BA<start>? No second B?
IDKFA, and many others
IDSPISPOPD … and I even remember what it abbreviates… why?
Smashing Pumpkins Into Small Pieces Of Putrid Debris
Idk why it has also stuck with me, it’s a really cool cheatcode
Something to do with getting the chainsaw if I recall correctly but it never worked for me, or on whatever version of the wad I had.
This is the one I use to prove my old nerd cred, lol
The konami code
I have it on a T-shirt & still try it on games randomly to see if there’s an easter egg.
It works on my kids’ Fisher Price controller, game boy, and switch
Or is it ;!;!;!;!;!;!;! ?
The second
I haven’t played this game in 2 decades, was a kid the last time I used it… This is the comment I was gonna leave
I always preferred idfa, so you’ll actually still get to play the whole level looking for the keys.
⬆️⬆️⬇️⬇️⬅️➡️⬅️➡️🅱️🅰️🅱️🅰️Select Start
Gives you 30 extra lives in Contra on the NES
I like that you specifically remember 2-player mode
Haha, I noticed that, too. That’s the one I always did - but not the one you’ll see printed on tee shirts, etc.
I vaguely remember if I wanted to play it in single player, I would press select first before entering the code for it to trigger in the correct mode. LOL
Is it a “cheat” code if it’s basically required to beat the game…?
It wasn’t required. It was the dark souls of the time.
While I was exaggerating, it and Contra 3 were brutally hard!
This is the one I was looking for. So famous its been used in numerous games.
AKA the Konami Code
Worked in most of the TMNT games too.
aegis for Age of Empires II. Instant building, gathering, research, etc. And of course marco for revealing map and polo to remove fog of war. cheese steak jimmy’s for extra food and lumberjack for extra wood. I always struggled to manage those two resources. But even more importantly, how do you turn this on, for that cool siege sports car.
Man, I played a lot of AoE as a child and teenager.
Don’t forget robin hood and rock on.
IDKFA Power overwhelming
Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Select Start
black sheep wall
power overwhelmingIDSPISPOPD
Impulse101 for Half-Life to get everything from the very beginning and create havok for the scientists.
And of course the Konami Code
Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Start
You missed half the code! UUDDLRLRBA
And <select><start> if you’re two player
Yep brain fart nice catch
and create havok for the scientists
“ACK! Well. I seem to be seriously wounded.”
My username. If you enter urata as your name when you play Castlevania III for NES you start with the mage character (Sypha Belnades) available from the start.
Also iddqd for god mode and idkfa for all weapons in DOOM because that game was way too hard when I was a kid.