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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • I’m talking about situations where my meaning would become clear if I weren’t interrupted before I finished what I was saying.

    It’s fine, though. I’m learning to front-load my main points. Instead of trying to say “Hey, I know we said we’d clean the basement this weekend, but I think it’s more important that I spend that time fixing the car,” and getting interrupted with thoughts about the basement before I’m able to mention the car, I try to say “I’d like to work on the car this weekend. I think the basement can wait.” Takes practice, though.

  • I thought the crossover element of Generations really brought it down. The original cast had a far better farewell in Star Trek VI, and I don’t think the writers of Generations had enough to say about Kirk’s character to justify the tortured story logic that brought him in.

    Give me a Kirkless cut and I’ll be so much happier. All the pure TNG elements work fine for me, McDowell is great, and the D looks beautiful with cinematic lighting.

  • Picard is super relevant, though. If we’re talking about an alternate reality where Picard S3 never happened, then yeah, I’d agree that complaints about nostalgia are a little over blown. I don’t see why that would be a discussion worth having, though. Picard did happen, and so did a whole lot of discussion about a possible Legacy show, and if you’re wondering why you hear complaints about nostalgia, that’s a big part of why.

    That’s not the entirety of it, though. Outside of Picard, I’ll say that Strange New Worlds and Lower Decks absolutely trade heavily in nostalgia. I can’t agree with your view that either don’t count. Having a fresh style doesn’t change the fact that SNW is set on the classic Enterprise and is continuing to introduce more and more classic Trek characters. And Lower Decks built a whole episode around the reuse of a specific cave set from TNG, of all things. A huge amount of its humour and appeal is definitely based in nostalgia.

    I will say that it looks like Starfleet Academy on a good course to do it’s own thing, Picardo notwithstanding, so I’m not saying the franchise has gone completely bankrupt or anything. I just think there’s enough nostalgia going around that it’s pretty valid to feel a little put off by it if one is so inclined.

  • It’s more about the trajectory of nuTrek than the whole of it. Discovery and the first two seasons of Picard did try to do new things and move the franchise in new directions, but now Discovery is cancelled in favour of SNW and Picard season 3 discarded so much the first two seasons had done in order to dive into nostalgia hard - and its success led to a lot of speculation about a “Star Trek Legacy” series that would double down on the fanservice approach even further. So it does feel like there’s a trend towards “safer” nostalgic content.

    And sometimes even fairly minor things just rub me the wrong way, like the Daniels reveal in Discovery. They just feel so arbitrary, and make the universe feel so mush smaller for no purpose.

  • This is technically responsive, but I think you have a fair criticism. A single rule like this would be much more maintainable:

    #content .grid-container {
    	width: 90vw;
    	min-width: 12rem;
    	max-width: 75rem;
    	padding: 2rem 0 1rem;

    Obviously, media rules have their place, but not for something that’s consistantly a full width container like this seems to be.

  • In 1997 adding a sexy Borg crew member to Voyager reeked of desperation. But the writers actually gave a shit and whoever was in charge of casting took the time to find someone who could actually act, so in the end Seven Of Nine became one of the best things to come out of Voyager (nevermind the cringe worthy marketing and costume).

    End of the day, I don’t care about the mental state of the exec signing off on an idea, because even a bad one can turn out good with the right talent. And I don’t see why Star Trek as a teen drama is a bad idea. Star Trek can work with all sorts of genres, and we’ve still got SNW holding down the fort as the old school exploration series.

  • I’m a new developer. Is that referring to page 123 of the in-house documentation? Version 12.3 of the code? I have no clue.

    You’d have to call it something like calculatePersonalIncomeTaxPerTaxCodeSection1_2_3, but I get exhausted just looking at that. There comes a point where the cognitive work of reading crazy long camel case names is more trouble than it’s worth.

    An explanation of what specification a function was written to implement is a perfectly appropriate comment. Could be improved by a direct link where possible. But it’s worth noting what that comment isn’t doing - specifying any implementation details. For that, I really can just read the code.