I know this is weird, but someone whom I follow, I recently discovered had an OF.
Now I’m not knocking them for it. It’s just that everything they present to the public is the complete opposite of someone whom (purely in my opinion) would never do something like that.
I dunno it’s just something odd I wasn’t expecting.
*Edit: Fuck it. It’s Alice Winterhold. There. Are you happy now? Perhaps you’ll understand now…
Bills gotta get paid somehow.
I’m not against someone doing OF and i don’t care that this person does, it’s just that their online persona is that of someone who wouldn’t do that. Just gave me a tad of spiritual whiplash is all.
You care a lot my guy you made a whole post about it and are thinking about it a lot and engaging strangers in conversations about it just for an excuse to keep thinking about it. Someone who doesn’t care would be like “wow that’s crazy” then never bring it up or think about it again. Also you are confused why someone doing only fans is not just naked and fucking dildos in public all the time, they sometimes wear clothes and exist in society???
🙄 I have said that this is weird. I know it is weird. Just let me say this. For me this was like finding out Mother Theresa has an OF. That’s what I’m saying.
That lady liked torturing kids, they thankfully still don’t allow that shit online.
Just like the person I follow online, I am talking about the persona they project to the world.
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😂 No. No I did not subscribe. I’m too cheap to pay for for porn when so much of it is free. And no, there is no pedestal, just viewing someone from afar whom I thought would no be into that. You should understand since I showed you who I was talking about
Wow that’s crazy
There are spiritual people besides her there. And some neo/ pagan religions honor the sacred sex worker (that’s not the word used).
You learned a valuable lesson. Nobody is who they say they are online. Except me, I actually am a big tiddy teenage girl.
See I would have believed you if you had added “Goth” in there.
it’s just that their online persona
This is the bit right here that is most important. Someone online isn’t required to represent everything that they are there. In fact, appealing to a specific audience usually means tailoring yourself to a persona that appeals to that audience and subtracts anything that would offend them, as you want to retain them.
I imagine this is a big component of being a public figure or celebrity. You have a specific image you want to project to the world. Bill Cosby had a public image of the clean comedy (and eventually) father figure, while is private life included things that were very much different from that.
True enough. And I don’t care, like I said, just surprised. This person isn’t like Cosby (as far as i know😜)
Maybe that’s her marketing plan to get more fans?
spiritual whiplash
Some kind of christian or tradwife influencer?
Remember that religion is mostly grifting and the best grifters earnestly believe their patter.
No. ( I also find it curious that everyone thinks the person I am talking about is female.😂)
70% of OF performers are women - I’d wager that’s why people are assuming a female subject.
Fair dues.
I’m genuinely surprised that it’s not even more skewed. I wonder if it would have been had it (magically) existed a few decades ago.
Sorry. I didn’t mean to shock you. I’ll be more up front about my OF, in the future.
I’ve seen you online. You I’m not surprised about at all…
Lol. You’ve got me there.
Your mind filled in a lot of gaps of who this other person is, based on what you knew based on just a narrow part of their life. It doesn’t sound like you have an issue with them having an OF, I think it’s an important distinction that you understand what was in your mind is what was odd, as the picture you had of them was so inaccurate.
They aren’t doing anything odd, since it is who they are. It’s just them. You don’t know why they’re doing it. They may like it, they may hate it and are doing it to cover bills or something. While you now know more about them, you still don’t know them as a whole person.
Thinking about people we like, respect, etc having sex is just not something most people typically do. Most everyone has sex though. Our parents, neighbors, celebrities, church people, racists, influencers, news anchors, etc. It’s just we think of all those people in other scenarios first before we think of them doing the nasty. You just basically walked in on someone while they were in the act and now it’s gotten your mind scattered.
If you follow them and this has affected you, you obviously like and respect them. That probably means watching their OF isn’t the best idea if you want to continue thinking of them the way you were before. You’ve just seen a more intimate side of them now, and you can remind yourself there is more to them than just what you have seen so far.
I’m a bit tired, so I hope that all made sense!
OK to give some background, This person kept coming up in my suggestions. I liked what they put out and followed them. they recently had an account ban on Facebook for some weird reason and they mentioned “The other site” which we all know is code word for OF (or other sites of that variety.) All I did was click on their bio link and BAM there it was. as I said to another post, it was like finding out Mother Theresa has an OF. thats sort of the same vibe this person presents. Again I don’t care they have one. I’m just surprised is all.
I hope I didn’t imply you did anything wrong in being shocked by what you found out. It seems a pretty normal reaction.
Does them having an OF make what you originally enjoyed of them feel hypocritical? Like if they were for example promoting abstinence, some type of morality, or where they playing up their supposed innocence? Or is it more like, I thought this person wouldn’t do something like this publicly? If they got banned for promoting their OF, did you miss it up until now? Or is this more like in the news where a school finds out a teacher has an OF and fires them when it doesn’t have anything to do with their other gig?
I understand you being intentionally vague, but it kinda makes it hard to pin down why you are feeling off about the whole situation or what you’re looking to get back from us.
People online are both real and fake, and my original comment tried to say that. I try to come off very polite and educational here. That’s definitely a good part of the real me. But there’s a lot more to me. There’s a lot more than I won’t always put front and center, but I’ll open up if it’s relevant, like all the terrible shit I did to people before I got medicated or from being raised by a kind of crappy family and I had no empathy for a long time. I still have a lot of difficulties, and while I can be a chronically depressed introvert with no ambition or self esteem, I can also be a positive and outgoing educator or comedian. They’re both me. Sometimes I’m more one or the other or even both at once. T
his person you’re talking about can be the same. They can be formal and proper or whatever the opposite of their OF persona is, and then do crazy extreme stuff in the OF context. They’ve understood and accepted those parts of themselves, and they’re not only doing the one thing that caught your interest, but also another totally different thing for another group.
If you just take whatever time for you to process that both realities exist within that person, you will know if they’re someone you still wish to follow or not.
I’m still following them, them doing OF isn’t a problem just a surprise. Imagine following someone who presents to the world like the most shy OCD anti-social person on earth.
But then does OF. I’m sure it would surprise anybody
All kinda of people have one, not sexual content.
There’s a reason the word “multifaceted” gets applied to people sometimes. There are different faces we present in different scenarios.
Sometimes people will be one way with family, another at work and another way again when with friends. There are funny stories (or webcomics) of people ending up in a group that comprises a family member and two people they know from respective second and third groups and the humour is that they have no idea how to act in a way that won’t confuse at least one of the people they’re with, including themselves.
As for relating to your situation, there was one online content creator who went by a name that sounded like it was based on a real, given name and not something made up. It was a bit of a surprise when I learned that wasn’t anything to do with their actual name. They also posted things that were out of the mould I’d mentally put them in on another social media site.
(Being vague because I don’t want to dox or disparage.)
Thankfully, those particular revelations affected no-one but me, which might be a way for you to look at the situation with the person you’re talking about.
This happened to me when I found out K-pop singer Karina had a boyfriend. Definitely not who I thought she was, and now I wouldn’t even marry her if she asked me.
I am confused by random people online daily.
Some people can’t write in English, which is confusing. But not always necessarily through any fault of their own other than not having enough learning.
Some people are batshit insane, and post their thoughts into the showerthoughts community or ask a question on no stupid questions that straddles the line between really ignorant of everything and begging the question as a form of bait.
And then sometimes people post a joke that is so super niche, if you haven’t seen the exact same thing and had the stars perfectly aligned so you also had the same thoughts at the time you saw it, you won’t get the reference, and be confused.
And then sometimes people post a joke that is so super niche, if you haven’t seen the exact same thing and had the stars perfectly aligned so you also had the same thoughts at the time you saw it, you won’t get the reference, and be confused.
Okay, that one hit al little to close to home… 😂
That’s happens to you guys too? Because it usually feels like I’m the only one who doesn’t get the joke.
Except I’m the guy making the joke…
Some people can’t write in English, which is confusing. But not always necessarily through any fault of their own other than not having enough learning
American is confused
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Daily? You should see the modqueue sometimes…
I do not envy that job at all…
I am easily confused tbh, so it’s not hard to do that to me.
I’m confused so much, that when I’m not confused, it’s confusing.
You’ve made a whole lot of replies, and not a single one in which you explained why exactly you where surprised.
I know you put the person’s name in the description, but if you want genuine answers, you probably shouldn’t expect people to click through someone’s Tiktok until they got their vibe before replying.
Look up cognitive dissonance. It’s basically how people justify saying one thing and doing another. We’re all prone to it, everyone has their price
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I just don’t know if I should mention whomever I am discussing. Just having this post up is weird enough as it is.
Lemme see and judge too!
You I’m gonna bonk with the horny stick…
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Of course, to do this once is at least as much to far. This is obvious.
I had to Google that name. First return says possibly she’s mentally ill (I didn’t click on it, so there’s that).
Watch a few of her TikToks.
Sorry, I don’t even know what an OF is…