• 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • I understand why one would ask for “Only men or women” in questions about men or women.

    The person asking probably has their own assumptions, but wants to see how close they are to reality. If a man is under the assumption that women don’t poop (going with something silly here just for an example), and they get a bunch of responses from other men that are under the same assumption, they will all assume they are right and confirm the misinformation. Of course, some men will know the real answer, but when you have 50% of the comments saying yes, and 50% saying no, you aren’t any further ahead then you were to begin with.

    Aside from the inevitable joke responses (usually from me) if “only women plz” answer, you will get the correct answer, or at least a spectrum of opinions that you can get a general idea from.

  • Don’t take this too personally, but you’re an asshole.

    You don’t have to be that way, but as of right now that’s the path you’ve chosen.

    Why? Well, if you’re truly an asshole, you don’t care why, but if you aren’t…

    People are suffering around the world, and I’m not unrealistic, I know we can’t fix everything, we’re just regular people. But you’re not just apathetic, you’re going out of your way to complain about them wanting dignity and respect. How dare those people ask for respect! They should be out sowing chaos and bringing MORE misery to others. Of course, you don’t do these things, you never had to, but the unfortunate ones must prove to you that they deserve to exist, by doing things that you WISH you had the balls to do. Evil doesn’t destroy evil. Be better, nobody respects your macho edgelord bullshit. You sound like a child. Stick with playing Minecraft, and let the adults work on the real world.

  • This is Todd. He’s our porch kitty. He’s not our cat, but we know where he lives, and we let him come inside for food, water, and a place to nap.

    You don’t “lure in” porch kitties. They either feel comfortable at your house or they don’t.

    I’m sure you want what’s best for the little guy, but if he doesn’t want to have anything to do with you, it’s best to just leave it at that.

    You can leave a little bit of food and water out for him so you at least know that he has access to some when he needs it, but don’t try to engage with him too much. When you try to pick him up, it scares him and teaches him not to let you get near him again. If he starts to feel safe around you, he’ll come closer, if not, he won’t. Some outside cats are just completely feral and will never be comfortable around people, you can’t change that.