• 28 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • I was a stay-at-home dad while my wife was a high payed lawyer, or I had to care for my elderly mother while she was dying from ass cancer, or I was doing drugs but I’ve been clean for over a year now, or shut up that’s none of your business why are you even asking this shit for a job that requires no education or experience!?..

  • Yes sure, but not forwards compatible. That means if you need to fix a bug or add a feature in a project that is build on java 8, you cannot use language features from later versions. They are pretty important features at that, like a workable Http client, modules, container compatibility, records and enhanced switch statements. It is not fun to work like that, it’s what makes good programmers want to become chicken farmers.

  • Not beehaw, but I hope I’m welcome to share my weekly worries anyways…

    I’ve been taking on a little more tasks at work this past half year, but it’s slowly starting to pour out of my agenda. This week is the start of another big task to add to my agenda in exchange for some other, “less important” tasks. It might be time to say “no” more, but I’m not very good at that. I wasn’t very good at asking for help either, but I’ve learned to do that more because I had to. So I hope I can also learn to say “no” more in these coming weeks. Specifically to those people who depended on me for those “less important” tasks.

  • There’s a lot of doomsaying people on this platform. “Boomers reaped all the resources, so now I can’t buy a house and won’t ever get a pension” or “capitalism is fueling climate change, so now we’re all gonna die”. I’m not saying they’re not valid complaints, but It’s very unhelpful to complain about these things that you cannot change unless you do something about it. I respect climate activists who march the streets and get arrested every week or even gen z’ers who think of all kinds of alternative living arrangements like boats or coops , but these doomsayers aren’t making any effort to change any thing, just complain and cry.

  • Having a job is fine. Having something that gives you purpose is actually healthy for you. But I guess it depends what you do and you need to work for someone nice. It is the mandatory part and the “squeezing every penny out of you” part that sucks most.

    Also, switching jobs when it gets tedious might be a good plan. Make sure to stick around for a couple years though, or else they’ll see on your CV that you won’t stick around long enough to be worth the effort.

  • I’ve also got a story of other people saying “it’ll be fine” while I should have been thinking for myself.

    I used to be a garbage truck driver. I was sent to pick up a bin at some fishing club. It was at the end of a dead end road. I drove my truck to the end hoping there would be enough room to turn the truck around. Of course there wasn’t. That’s when I should’ve just decided to back out, but I didn’t. I asked the members of that club if the garbage truck usually turns around or backs out. They said “sure you can turn it on the grass, they do that all the time”.

    So I started turning, one small moment later, I was stuck in the grass. My back wheels just kept slipping and digging in deeper. I putting gravel and wooden boards under the wheels, but nothing really worked. In the end we got like 6 of the fingers to push the truck (10.000+kg) out of the grass… and they fucking did it! It took a little back and forth, but we managed to get the truck out with teamwork.

    It was a pretty stupid decision of mine, but I learned from it. It was 10 years ago, but I still remember it well,because it was just and awesome experience of teamwork and humanity.