That makes sense. But then I would feel like I was wasting all this cool media equipment I already have set up.
Yeah. Current generation learning models can do impressive things in the hands of a skilled engineer, but Elon is leading a round of class warfare against skilled engineers right now.
Shareholders need to decide which they really want to bet on to win.
Makes sense. I’m not picky about which exact risks our entitled overconfident billionaires opt to take.
Also xmas trees are giant cocks. Yep. Huge phallic symbols.
Today I learned!
I’m going to enjoy Christmas trees even more with this knowledge. Thank you.
Though, when looking for a source for others to enjoy, it also turns out it’s complicated.
Edit: Caesar Borgia. Unsubstantiated…except by pretty much anyone who, you know, has a quick look at the various portraits of him.
It can also be fun to pick a random “legal@…” address outside their organization and include a “cc” to it.
Somehow they see him as more godly.
Well yeah. Jesus loves to “grab em by the pussy”, apparently.
I’ll admit I haven’t quite found that Bible verse…
Three different billionaires have each spent more than all the normal people combined.
To make it easier to see who out there is most invested in a Trump presidency:
Others mention Chappelle here, and I want to just mention, I did watch his last special with an open mind, and I just want that hour back.
It was depressing on a couple of levels. But most importantly (for a comedian) I didn’t find it even a little bit funny.
I like a good bit of dark comedy, and tragedy plus time, and all that.
But Dave Chappelle should pay for a therapist in private, instead of wasting my time.
+1 for Bill Burr, who will mock anyone, pretty mercilessly.
Also, his cameo in Star Wars, after giving tons of shit to Star Wars fans, is an utter delight. (And made him a fan.)
I mean, if anyone ever introduces the average shareholder to those executive decision desk toy spinners, the average CEO is fucked.
Sometimes I’m reminded that there’s always a chance that they go submarine diving or some such with another overconfident crony who thinks their skills got them where they are today.
That out of the way, FSD sucks, and it’s getting worse, not better.
It’s almost like they bet on the AI to teach the AI, rather than continuing to pay for skilled engineers.
Buckle up folks, we’re going to see a lot more of this, across every industry, before the lawsuits go into high gear and anything gets better.
Wait…You don’t all also have this setup?
How else is anyone supposed to know how things are going while they’re going?
It’s so great.
And the scene is even better on a rewatch.
Since the dealer is a cheater with their own motives, if I recall correctly.
so we’ll see if Vance is similarly loyal.
Yeah. Considering how Trump may have actually intended to have Pence killed during the January 6 insurrection, my money is on “not particularly loyal”.
I like to think there’s still hope that people around Trump and Putin will recognize the clear signs of dementia and not drag the world to war, this time.
I love it! Thanks for letting me know.
Yeah. Statistically a small vestige of us may well survive to tell horror stories of our coming experiences.
Yeah. They do still sell Frisbees, though, at least.
Does “Breaking News” on count…
Yeah. I gotta admit I laughed at Ellen’s (completely unrelatable) “relatable” jokes about being ultra wealthy.
I dunno if she counts for this request?
I guess she’s more conservative than many comedians, but I’m guessing her wife makes sure she still votes in favor of civil liberties like marriage rights.