• nifty@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    This is my sad hill to die on, I guess, despite my personal feelings on why anti-discrimination across all aspects is important for society. But after reading some informed perspectives, I think I get where some of the DEI pushback is coming from.

    It’s not about diversity, equity or inclusion individually, but DEI as a concept, ie as an actionable form of some underlying ideology. It doesn’t matter if the practitioners of DEI may not subscribe to any underlying ideology, the fact is that DEI opponents are unconvinced about the allegiances of DEI practitioners in special contexts, like the military.

    I personally don’t care about having DEI in corporate or education contexts, but i think the concern there is that if the public thinks one way, then it will question why the military/govt doesn’t want to. So, I think I get why they removed DEI/CRT from corporate and education as well.

    Per my understanding, the pushback is coming jointly from the military, and the main point of contention was the CRT-derived idea of “inherent racism” or “whites as oppressors”. For example,

    CRT scholars argue that the social and legal construction of race advances the interests of white people[9][12] at the expense of people of color,[13][14] and that the liberal notion of U.S. law as “neutral” plays a significant role in maintaining a racially unjust social order,[15] where formally color-blind laws continue to have racially discriminatory outcomes.[16]


    Here’s an article which says why DEI was necessarily started (the writer is an academic)

    DEI policies and practices were created to rectify the government-sanctioned discrimination that existed and systemic oppression that persists in the United States.


    You have to appreciate why some part of the American armed forces pushes back on these ideas when your CO may be white, and you a minority. There are practical considerations to having such ideas in the back of your mind when you’re supposed to act without question and as a unit.

    Here’s some context for reading https://starrs.us/dei-how-to-have-the-conversation/

    Here’s another perspective from a Stanford professor, https://amgreatness.com/2024/03/25/will-dei-end-america-or-america-end-dei/

    Edit to clarify, I am not saying that we shouldn’t have anti-discrimination policies across different aspects of being a person. I am saying this is why some people don’t like/want DEI or CRT (which are distinct and separate from the existing anti-discrimination policies). And yes, I know the military has issues regarding race and sex discrimination. But I think people can address those without DEI or CRT.

    • LifeInMultipleChoice@lemmy.dbzer0.com
      1 month ago

      Segregation and hate raise crime, wealth disparity, and breed unhappiness. The best way to dispell racism is through education and integration of all the people’s. That is what DEI is about. Slowly they all learn they are not much different and they blend together until all is forgot. So why does someone want it gone when it will cause only problems long term one may ask? Because it is easier to divide and conqueur using hate than education. CRT is taught to lawyers in college, anyone who thinks it is being taught to their kids has been fed lies and likely doesn’t know what it is. So someone divides the population by blaming all problems on a specific people, keeps repeating everything being their fault, and you build hate. Block efficiency in the current government, blame the peoples struggles on the chosen group of hate. Keep blowing in those flames and spread the hatred far and wide until the hate for those people means more to the majority than their own wants. Once you have that majority vote and get in then your sink your anchor, and have 2 options. Unite the people by using a war with a foreign power and in the midst use executive powers during the state of emergency to make the presidency all powerful with no intention of giving up that power, or option 2, strain the economy and stoke the hatred until a civil war breaks out, and declare the emergency powers the same. Either way the reason to attack DEI was always the same, to gain power without reguard to how many people get hurt along the way. Racism and sexism are weapons being weilded by politicians manipulating the people’s priorities. They control the media, the Treasury, the military, they bought the judges and now we go the way of Turkey and Russia. A dictatorship is being born, the question left is just what will be the state of emergency used to grab the rest of the power to ensure the legislative branch s is powerless to take the powers back after 90 days

      • nifty@lemmy.world
        1 month ago

        Either way the reason to attack DEI was always the same, to gain power without reguard to how many people get hurt along the way.

        I think one of the issues which comes up are mandates. If there are underemployed minorities in society, then we have a problem. If that happens, then DEI should be brought back. I agree that some people are racist, and that life creates situations which kill individual potential.

        That’s why it’s important to have these ideas be part of social discourse. I don’t agree with CRT (that legal and social systems help white people only), or that DEI addresses the core issues with bad luck creating uneven conditions for individuals. The core issue is that people of all races and cultures experience bad luck. Most people are not going to be rich enough to afford even an upper middle class lifestyle. So, if there is a policy which seems to favor only a certain type of people, it will only create resentment or jealousy, and divisions. Poor whites consistently vote republican because they don’t get the kind of help they need from democrats either. We need the Nordic model in the US.

        I personally think education is the best option we have to counter the effect of bad luck on people’s lives and their outcomes. So, the ire that people are putting towards USAID or DEI going away should be firmly focused at ensuring that the Dept of Education remains intact for serving the most people.

        Edit the danger, I think, is in thinking that just because someone is X they are moral or ethical. I think the inverse of that is that just because someone is not X, then they are immoral and unethical. The kind of reduction of personhood to arbitrary characteristics which forms the basis of predictive policing algorithms, so I can’t support that.

        • LifeInMultipleChoice@lemmy.dbzer0.com
          1 month ago

          The wealth gap is 6:1 of White Americans : African Americans. Racism is rising and many people who weren’t acting racist 20 years ago are today. For the first time since the end of slavery the wealth gap is growing again instead of slowly balancing out. The number of people who hate migrants right now when they pay more in taxes and commit less crime is unbelievably high. It is all about using hatred as a tool. People complain about low birth rates, yet if you replace every migrant with a person born here crime would be higher and less taxes would be paid. So does that just mean people are pro crime? If so why are they using the lies about crime to get people to distrust and hate people the don’t know? Notice the claims of emptying their prisons and sending those bad people here. Yet those countries are demanding you don’t have them in handcuffs or treat the poorly when shipping them back. If they were dangerous people… They would want them in cuffs… Most every country in the Americas has extradition law/agreements. So if any of them had actually committed murder or rape in their home country before fleeing here, they would be shipped back under extradition. Yet they aren’t, because they didn’t do any of these claims that the media and politicians are using to blanket statement mass groups of people with. Hate sells and gets views. That’s how so many media stations make money. Yet it hurts the people. If we want a peaceful nation with low crime and a happier populous we need to fix the wealth distribution between the rich and the poor and make it so no one is experiencing hard times. Also fines for media outlets need to exceed their profits when they make claims about groups of people that are not verifyanly true. Spreading hate will never be the answer to a happy society.

          There is absolutely no reason everyone in this country shouldn’t have access to a climate controlled area to rest and food accessible so they don’t starve. Our health care costs are twice Canada’s and yet we have to pay out of pocket for all of it. Why is that? Because people have been told over and over to worry more about migrants, African Americans, Hispanics, Muslims, The middle East in general, and so on and used the hate to prioritize that hate over voting to have healthcare rights.

          You can pay less in taxes than you do right now and have free healthcare. Isn’t that just stupid? But pharmaceutical companies lobby politicians to keep you distracted with things that shouldn’t need to be concerns in our lives, and make us worried and keep that money flowing into their pockets.

          Also, Free healthcare isn’t Free. We are already paying for it, we just aren’t getting what we are paying for.

    • Zink@programming.dev
      1 month ago

      DEI opponents are unconvinced about the allegiances of DEI practitioners

      The purest of projection and arguing in bad faith, as usual. Every time one of the administration slime balls describes how things will be based on merit and nothing else, they are lying. Either that, or the definition of “merit” now includes genetic information.

      • nifty@lemmy.world
        1 month ago

        I don’t think all people have good intentions towards others, they most definitely do not, but CRT and it’s related concepts only create divisiveness.

    • Doomsider@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      “But I think people can address those without DEI or CRT.”

      I think you are pretty much full of it. CRT is a college level analysis of systemic racism. There are valid criticism of it which you are apparently oblivious to because your understanding comes from word of mouth and Fox News.

      DEI boils down to having a diverse group that makes better decisions. I have taken many DEI trainings and I know for a fact that your criticisms are bunk. I personally think the biggest actual criticism is that it has become a money making endeavor or a box to check off on. This criticism is ultimately about capitalism itself and corporate culture than actual DEI content.

      DEI is what you learned in kindergarten. To treat everyone how you want to be treated. There are no quotas or any other such bullshit. As a hiring manager myself the only thing it has ever done is make me considering hiring something other than a white male. That is consider, not force.

      You don’t know what you are talking about about and your informed perspectives must be from National Review, OANN, Brietbart, etc.