• Doomsider@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    “But I think people can address those without DEI or CRT.”

    I think you are pretty much full of it. CRT is a college level analysis of systemic racism. There are valid criticism of it which you are apparently oblivious to because your understanding comes from word of mouth and Fox News.

    DEI boils down to having a diverse group that makes better decisions. I have taken many DEI trainings and I know for a fact that your criticisms are bunk. I personally think the biggest actual criticism is that it has become a money making endeavor or a box to check off on. This criticism is ultimately about capitalism itself and corporate culture than actual DEI content.

    DEI is what you learned in kindergarten. To treat everyone how you want to be treated. There are no quotas or any other such bullshit. As a hiring manager myself the only thing it has ever done is make me considering hiring something other than a white male. That is consider, not force.

    You don’t know what you are talking about about and your informed perspectives must be from National Review, OANN, Brietbart, etc.