Are you fucking kidding me, Cranberry Sauce from a can if delightful, and the perfect accoutrement to a Turkey dinner. Have you ever had fresh cranberry sauce? It sucks donkey dicks. Gimme the can, gimme your can, I want the can.
Are you fucking kidding me, Cranberry Sauce from a can if delightful, and the perfect accoutrement to a Turkey dinner. Have you ever had fresh cranberry sauce? It sucks donkey dicks. Gimme the can, gimme your can, I want the can.
you hit em with the double neener, which is bold, a man doesn’t get but a finite amount of neeners in his lifetime
Congress could try what? Which Congress? This Congress? The one where both houses are squarely in control of Republicans since the last election? That Congress?
the old adage is as true now as it ever was: no cop no crime
You have a lot more faith in what tatters are going to be left of our Democratic institutions in four years than I do my friend. I don’t know that we’ll ever get to vote for another President ever again.
yeah, no kiddin
that seems like a lot, to play video games
a bill you say. let me remember schoolhouse rock said about bills. first they have be allowed to go to committee, and then be put up for a vote, then they have to pass a vote in the house of representatives, then they have to be allowed to be put up for a vote in the senate, then they have to pass a vote in the senate, then they have to be signed by the president of the united states. this is a fine idea.
Me? I can tell you what my family was doing during the Holocaust, they were first rounded up, having been betrayed to the Nazis by their Catholic neighbors they had known for generations, after getting directions to do so from their parish priest, shoveled into a Ghetto where half died of starvation and dysentery, then put on cattle cars, and taken to Auschwitz, then used by BMW as slave labor to make their airplane engines, out of dozens, only two survived. That’s what I would have been doing.
we. can’t. effect. any. change.
democrats have no constitutional power without majority in any of the two houses of congress, or three branches of government. unless you’re willing to start a terrorist campaign, not sure what you think the people can do about it now. this was the danger all along, and no one can say, after trump fucking up the global covid response so badly, they didn’t know what was coming.
the only thing that can move the needle is a general strike, but i have no faith in my fellow democrats to get up off their asses and sacrifice for anyone other than protesting jews in support of islamic terrorism.
No, I got it, I’m just glad you guys can find it within yourself to still make jokes, while Trump is bitch slapping you for no good reason other to show everyone else in the world he’ll do it to them next. I think it all sucks man, and I feel really bad for Canada.
Looks like Trump is considering his Executive Orders law now, without first having to go through Congress
I mean that’s always an option, only problem with that is Trump will just turn around and tariff you more
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If this is about the NSFW Reddit ban, it seems it was a program who’s “go” button got pushed too early, and most if not all the NSFW subs which got the hammer have had their access restored.
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they were getting paid by the same people, so this makes perfect sense