What are you all playing! I’ve been playing a lot of lies of p and have been dipping my toes back into binding of Isaac!

  • Moira_Mayhem@beehaw.org
    9 months ago

    Oh man, you may regret that work order. Incoming cliff face of (hopefully) -Well-Crafted- engravings:

    So I’m redoing an old project where I turned a volcano into an obsidian caster and casted a 20z level solid obsidian fortress with the lava tube at the center. Reddit ate the original post and I can’t find the original files anywhere.

    My original was chef’s kiss perfect embark, 3 biomes haunted forest, mirthful grass, and wild forest, a brook running right by the volcano. This time wasn’t so lucky, it’s just a Mirthful forest but the need for a Haunted biome was covered by the fact that I am in range of a Tower (more later). This embark also has Humans, Elves, and Goblins as neighbors, my original was a super evil world where only goblins and kobolds existed, so I guess that’s an upgrade.

    My first task was to strip the volcano of trees and bushes, and setup my temporary fort where everyone will live til the casting is complete, and underneath that began digging out my water reservoir. The process is ridiculously water intensive and brook tiles refill so slowly that I’m going to need to literally just let it run while I sleep so the reservoir refills.

    My next steps (tomorrow night) is to complete the reservoir and start filling it while I build a giant 4 lane water pump stack and build a huge faucet emptying in the middle of the lava tube. This will turn the middle blocks to obsidian and drop them down to the destructive surface at the bottom of the magma tube, draining it. I have to be careful on this, too much water will plug the tube and that is a MAJOR pain to clean out. Once I’ve drained the lava tube down below the level of the 1st cavern, I will build 2 double magma pumpstack and 2 double water pumpstack columns running up the middle of the fort.

    Here is the mockup

    The idea is to provide both RED HOT MAGMA and water to every floor without taking up the main floorspace.

    Once that is complete, with the lava tube still drained, I will dig out the mountain leaving pillars at every level and hollow out belowground the radius of my fort down to 1 Z above cavern layer 1 and that will be the first floor of my obsidian casting.

    As I’ve (hopefully) improved my casting process, my previous limited size (the limiting factor was that drawbridges are max 10x10 and need at least 1 anchor) of about 18x18 walls around a 38x38 lava tube should no longer be an issue and I BELIEVE that with my new style of caster that I can make arbitrarily large obsidian slabs.

    My original caster had 2 levels of drawbridges surrounding the lava tube, the bottom filled with lava spilling out from the Z level of the volcano top (volcanoes in DF are weird), and the top drawbridge structure held water pumped up from a reservoir below.

    Each level looked like the top of a crenelated tower, I don’t have the pics anymore so it’s hard to explain. It was cool but very very small.

    My new caster is the above mockup, delivering 4x lava and water stacks straight into the casting area and allowed to spread out, unlike my original model which was filled then dropped all at once. This is how I am hoping to make larger slabs as the water pours out over a sea of 5-6 high lava at the casting floor. It may not work, this is experimental and I may have to go in after each cast and manually fill in a few gaps but the benefit of making very large slabs is worth the extra annoyance.

    Once I’ve casted enough levels to about 20z above ground, I disassemble the mould used to hold in the lava and start digging my lava moat. In my original version the moat just drained off the map above 3z deep, and was a risk for lava-safe intruders so now it’s all going to be recycled through the pumpstack system leaving just enough lava in the moat to deal with sieges.

    When it is all said and done, this fort should be a lava defended obsidian monolith where every surface is carved with the story of my people. It will be my greatest work to date and I can’t wait to see what I learn building it.

    The Need for Necromancers

    It is critical to my fort to have a pit of undead butchered animal parts for my archers to practice on, and in my original fort the animation force was the part of my fort in the Haunted biome, and it worked so much better than trying to convince militadwarfs to train archery. Nowadays we have necromancers, so I plan on capturing a necro from a raid and walling him in to a little booth where I can lift a lever and let him see the corpse target pile, reanimate them, then get shuttered again till my crossbowdwarfs finish the random pile of torsos and intestines wobbling about.

    • MangoKangaroo@beehaw.org
      9 months ago

      I had a more detailed response to this written down last night, but the servers went down when I tried to send it so I cba.

      This is super freakin’ cool. Nevermind -Well-Crafted-, I’ll call this one ☼Masterful☼. What was your inspiration for the original project?

      • Moira_Mayhem@beehaw.org
        9 months ago

        Lol don’t call it ☼Masterful☼ till it works! I could be very mistaken about lava flows here though I hope to post my updates to lemmy so we can all see how it goes together.

        My inspiration was, in a roundabout way,: how to find a FUN way to dispose of kings who keep making insane crafting requests like weapons made out of soap. I envisioned a room suspended over a lava tube with a hanging pillar holding it up and drawbridges providing access. If the king got silly I could pop the pillar and drop his whole royal suite into the tube.

        And of course I had to keep his subjects near him so I built the fort into the volcano side but I was annoyed about how irregular the floor size and mineral patterns were. I had just learned about obsidian casting in industrial quantities (the reason for the initial volcano embark) so as I was playing the thought kept coming back: 'Well, obsidian is a really valuable mineral when carved, and obsidian mechanisms are an amazing trade good, so… what if I made a whole fort out of obsidian?

        So I tried that with that existing fort, not a fancy fort with a lava tube, more like just a giant cube of solid obsidian cast off to the side from the volcano.

        It worked magnificently! The rooms were all lavish with just bare stones engraved, and I had unlimited material for stonework and mechanisms.

        Smiling in satisfaction I said “This is cool… but it could be cooler.”

        And that’s when I came up with my ‘volcano base with a live active lava tube in the middle’.

        The original took about three months of damn near every moment I wasn’t working or sleeping, hopefully my experience since then will cut that time down a bit.

        I’m really excited to see how this goes, and can’t wait to share my updates.

        Fun Fact: If you dig out each floor and drop them all at once, the game registers the internal hollowed out tube as being ‘outside’, meaning even after you cast the obsidian tower, all internal areas are considered in sunlight, so your dwarves never get sunlight sickness when defending raids and you can grow aboveground crops in the safety of your mountain home.

        • MangoKangaroo@beehaw.org
          9 months ago

          There’s something magical about the idea of suspending a king in a room above a volcano. Y’know, just in case the peasants get mad. ;)

          Best of luck! I’m sure it will be !!fun!! either way.