I’ve got Jellyfin up and running right now on a DS620Slim NAS and it’s running pretty good so far. I’ve seen a lot of people say they prefer Plex over Jellyfin. What are the main advantages to plex?

  • linearchaos@lemmy.world
    1 year ago


    • Free
    • Gets the job done
    • Not in financial trouble
    • No layoffs
    • Not trying to sell you stuff
    • Not selling your watch habbits
    • Mainly develops features people want

    Plex (paid):

    • Decade of development with pretty solid pay features
    • Easy sharing with friends and remote watching
    • Decent clients for almost every device and more solid transcoding
    • Fairly quick fixes for problems
    • Great intro/credit/commercial skipping
    • Only develops features that might make money
    • In the middle of layoffs
    • Centralized authentication makes is impossible to watch if offline or they’re offline unless you removed local authentication before it went offline.
    • They sell your viewing habbits

    Plex is super convenient and slimy

    Jellyfin is pure and behind on features, clients and comforts.