Sorry, another news from this asshole, but this is too much assholery to don’t be shared
Despite him being a shitty boss that fired employees that criticized him on twitter, he promised an “unlimited” legal defense fund to fight against employers that fired employees because of something they wrote on Twitter.
Under his tweet a lot of “verified” (=right wing) accounts plauded this and asked to fight employers who fired employees for having written something homophobic
Since it’s abundantly clear that you’ve never actually read the 1st amendment, let me help you out:
As you can see, employment disputes are not part of the 1st amendment. As you can also see, it restricts establishing a state religion, exercising your religion, protects you from prosecution when peacefully assembling and when you are giving the government the finger.
I suggest reading through the Constitution and it’s amendments. It’s not a long read.
When the government tells an employer that they can’t fire a person for x reason, the first amendment gets involved. Because that’s the government limiting the speech of a private citizen (or in the case of a company/corporation, a group of private citizens that apparently gets all the rights of a person).
Which is when employment law does swerve into first amendment territory