They conflate antisemitism with anti-Zionism & anti-crimes against humanity in order to trample on people’s first amendment rights to speech & assembly.

    11 months ago

    I mean, if we’re being pedantic Semite is an ethnic group and since Israel opens citizenship to anyone who is just religiously Jewish and very few people choose to immigrate to Palestine…

    It’s hard to look at the two countries and say that the Antisemitic group isn’t the one committing human rights abuses and war crimes against the country overwhelming made up of Sematic people.

    Israel just constantly tries to conflate religion and ethnic groups. I tried to find the racial breakdown of Israel, all I could find was it broken down by religion

    Like, if someone with 0% Jewish heritage converts and move to Israel, they’re recorded as ethnically Jewish. And supporters of Israel say that justifies them seizing land from the people whose families have lived there for centuries