• 56 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Sheep breeds that are not allowed in Montana were brought into the state as part of the conspiracy, including 43 sheep from Texas, prosecutors said.

    Dude sold to “trophy hunters” and brought in animals that will outcompete and replace native species.

    It’s a pretty big deal ecologically, and was done for just about the worst reasons

    And it wasn’t even super unique sheep, it was a couple states away

    Also unsure how much “cloning” went into pulling sperm off removed testicles…

    In October 2019, court records said, Schubarth paid a hunting guide $400 for the testicles of a trophy-sized Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep that had been harvested in Montana and then extracted and sold the semen, court records said.

  • This is just self proclaimed labels…

    So it makes sense we’d see 50% “moderate” and then around 25% for the other two:

    Reality check: The youngest age group still appears to favor liberal positions on some issues as much as those ages 25 to 29, Anil Cacodcar, the student chair of the Harvard Youth Poll, noted.

    In a poll earlier this year, the younger group was just as likely to say basic health insurance is a human right and government should spend more to reduce poverty.

    They’re still progressive on issues.

  • Sounds like the article is a little confused, or this is brand new stuff, which is possible.

    The comments about wanting to murder people that I knew about came him and a friend filming Black people leaving a cvs and them “knowing” they were all shoplifters and wanting to kill them for it. They’d just go sit outside drug stores because of propaganda and “filming subjects”.

    There was also the video where he tried to jump a younger girl and when 3 black guys (his age) yelled at him not to hit a young girl. He immediately fell to the ground in a fetal position and started crying and begging, literally that was his reaction to being told not to beat a young girl.

    Those two examples together showed he didn’t have the same basic reactions to a situation any normal human would have. And that he can’t properly identify risks.

  • givesomefucks@lemmy.worldtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldPromised Land
    3 days ago

    Some did, but the whole point of Israel was a place for European countries to send their Jewish populations.

    People who even if they were also ethnically Semitic, were descended from people who voluntarily left the area generations ago.

    They could have immigrated there, instead European governments just declared it was theirs now.

    Like, imagine if every American with Irish heritage were granted birthright citizenship there and the people who never left are shoved down into an ever shrinking slice of land. That’s what’s happening

  • The nearly $2.5 million investment — shared first with POLITICO — aims to help break Republican supermajorities in deep-red states and strengthen voter engagement efforts across the U.S. It’s part of a broader push for increased local support by the DNC, which says it’s increased state party funding by 25 percent during Jaime Harrison’s tenure as chair.

    Chump change compared to what the “victory fund” nonsense is robbing from the state parties…

    This is 50k per state if split evenly, but it says 400k to Florida…


    which says it’s increased state party funding by 25 percent during Jaime Harrison’s tenure as chair.

    Just highlights how much the “victory fund” has fucked over state parties ever since Hillary dreamed it up in 2015.

  • It’s usually a pretty hard sell of “make the company you work at shittier to make more money”, especially since most of the employees probably know gabe personally (valve has less than 400 employees) and likely approve of his leadership.

    And most of the ones with the high percent have been there since the beginning, probably close to Gabe’s age, looking towards retirement. They make good money, but retirement is expensive.

    I mean. That link from this year said Microsoft was thinking 16 billion. 1% of that is 160 million.

    Or they may die and their kids see dollar signs when a vote comes up

    Steam is great now, it’s not debatable. But its naive to expect it indefinitely. 10 years, 20 years from now? It wouldn’t be surprising if Valve was a lot shittier than it is today

    It won’t last forever

  • Usually it’s forced arbitration, you can’t sue

    It really favors the company. Steam is explicitly saying no arbitration which levels the playing field.

    Arbitration doesn’t save money. You still need lawyers.

    What’s bigger is this explicitly says it allows class actions. Something that most prevent and require individual arbitration, consumers are better off when they can pool resources for lawyers against a giant corporation, especially since most would require an upfront payment for a large class action.

  • Not sure, apparently the 25% figure is really new, Wikipedia is sourcing something from 2017 that says he has 50+.

    This is the most up to date I can find that attributes a source


    Insights from Dior, a prominent figure in the Counter-Strike community, reveal that Gabe Newell owns less than 25% of Valve. This suggests that a significant portion of Newell’s wealth is tied to his equity in the company. The decision to sell Valve wouldn’t rest solely with Newell; numerous employees who likely hold stock options could also have a say through a voting process if an offer were made.

    So it sounds like a lot was given to employees from the beginning, which track with Gabe.

    Then he may have cashed out a couple times, but I doubt that when he could just do the billionaire thing where he borrows against his stock counting on the value increasing enough to pay off the last with a new?

    But then again Gabe is different and might not do that out of principle.

    It’s not publicly traded, so I guess we don’t really know unless Valve discloses who owns what. Which I just realized is pretty concerning on its own.

  • Yeah, but Gabe is down to 25% ownership.

    He could be pushed out at anytime. It’s this weird situation where if a serious challenger to Steam really takes off, the 75% may demand Steam gets shittier to make more money.

    But Gabe won’t last forever anyways, who knows what will happen without him. Which means people do want some kind of challenger to prevent a monopoly, but that just makes the other scenario more likely

    Steam is already a huge outlier