By 2030, Coca-Cola products will account for an estimated 602m kilograms of plastic waste entering the world’s oceans and waterways each year, according to a stark new analysis published Wednesday by the non-profit Oceana.

That is enough plastic to fill the stomachs of 18m whales.

The report arrives amid mounting concerns over the human health risks posed by the spread of microplastics, which scientists increasingly link to cancer, infertility and heart disease.

    3 days ago

    We should go back to the days when you were expected to return your empty bottle to the vending machine, so that Coca-Cola could recycle it for you. Republicans want America to go back to the 1950s, so you would think that they would try to convince drink manufacturers to start being responsible for their own bottles again. But they won’t because recycling is probably too woke for them.