the principal had referred to Bible scripture on several occasions and informed her he was ‘well within his right’ to enact the discipline he chose
Ah yes, I forgot that Jesus came down to earth and said “don’t enjoy yourself women, your only purpose is just to have children under our neofascist theocratic regime”
Don’t worry he quoted the Bible
Ah yes, I forgot that Jesus came down to earth and said “don’t enjoy yourself women, your only purpose is just to have children under our neofascist theocratic regime”
Then an old fuck like that will wonder why one day someone decided to throw a molotov at their window
Deam bro if you that mad I can give you better targets.
Like certain nestle execs or some slave trade associated fucks
Por que no los dos
One can dream…
And Jesus said: Thou shall not SHAKE YOUR RUMP-AH