As a result of the three-day operation, 14 sex buyers were arrested, nine adult potential victims of sex trafficking were recovered, and one 16-year-old was recovered. According to the statement, support services, child welfare services and juvenile support service advocates were on the scene as needed.
The rightwing nutjobs are always freaking out about little kids getting trafficked and the reality is it’s mostly adults.
Many, many prostitutes are not prostitutes by choice. They’re smuggled into the US with promises of spouses or office jobs, then forced into prostitution when they arrive under threat of being “turned in” or simply being abandoned in a country where nobody speaks their language and they have no paperwork or prospects.
They’re mostly afraid of deportation or imprisonment related to their illegal entry into the country or their prospects in a country where they have no citizenship, no employment options, have limited legal protections, and don’t speak the language.
Legalization wouldn’t really help with any of that. But what it would do is reduce the demand for illegal prostitution. It would help stop the trap before they’re in it.
The rightwing nutjobs are always freaking out about little kids getting trafficked and the reality is it’s mostly adults.
Sex buyers?
Was that trafficking or prostitution?
Wonder how much harm could be mitigated without puritanical laws around sex workers.
Many, many prostitutes are not prostitutes by choice. They’re smuggled into the US with promises of spouses or office jobs, then forced into prostitution when they arrive under threat of being “turned in” or simply being abandoned in a country where nobody speaks their language and they have no paperwork or prospects.
Sounds like legalising it would help these victims by empowering them instead of making them hide in the shadows afraid of being caught.
They’re mostly afraid of deportation or imprisonment related to their illegal entry into the country or their prospects in a country where they have no citizenship, no employment options, have limited legal protections, and don’t speak the language.
Legalization wouldn’t really help with any of that. But what it would do is reduce the demand for illegal prostitution. It would help stop the trap before they’re in it.
Prostitution of a 16 year old? The consent is 16 in california.
What a weird question.
Or the 9 adults mentioned…
Rightwing nut jobs: “See? They’re trafficking adults because of our efforts to stop child trafficking!”
Normal people: Why not just stop trafficking altogether?
Why are writing ‘recovered’ instead of rescued?
I would guess that ‘rescued’ means ‘saved’ and ‘recovered’ means ‘saved and returned to their family.’
A person is saved from drowning, and recovered from a hostage situation.
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