TIL I’m a woman.
I need to remember this on my next date.
Powerful Magicks… Don’t go talking to the Mage’s Guild about this.
Fascinating women with cheese may still be legal in CyrodiiI, but few will admit to it now that the Mage’s Guild has banned it.
What news from the other provinces?
I saw a mudcrab once.
Horrible creatures.
They banned me from using “ketamine ape” all cause it somehow got the emperor killed. I shall use “testicular torsion” and “mend butt crack” on them.
Mend Buttcrack proves once again, Restoration is the strongest catagory of magicks known to mer and man.
Its actually a subset of Tonal “magic” with some overlap with CHIM.
How does one become sponsored by Big Parm? Just asking for personal reasons…
“Big Parma” heh
Big Parma has the government in its pocket, just look at SCOTUS recently overturning the Chevre doctrine
And I’m pretty sure the government took away my Cheez Waffles from Food Lion…
They’re coming for our Gruyère next.
Someone else who knows Cheez Waffies!? They were the absolute best snack. They vanished when we jumped to the bad timeline. There is no replacement; I’ve checked. :(
Big Parma is responsible for the Fontina epidemic that is ravaging our rural communities.
For real though, Fontina is some good shit on pizza. Not as the base cheese, just like an extra topping.
Be Italian. Be bueatiful. Aquire fame through accomplishments your county takes pride in. Then probably go talk to the parm merchant-kings.
Invent a Time Machine and start doing gymnastics at two years old by the looks of it
You go to Big Ched instead and ask them to sponser you
…anyone else thinking of going down and getting a cheese wheel for yourself?
Yeah! Let’s go fuck that cheese!
That’s a gouda idea!
Edam that’s a nice pun!
I once bought a 1 kg piece of parmesan
Which is still just 1/30th of a wheel, imagine what you could’ve done with that! I once ate in a restaurant where they roll the pasta hot pasta in a full wheel with a little cup part cut out in the middle, delicious.
These photos feel so… gosh, what’s the right word … corny?
Naw, I donno, maybe nutty?
Spicy? I think it’s pretty spicy tbh.
Looks kinda sweet to me.
It looks like AI images. Perfect woman with a big smile and doing a strange thing.
It’s not AI. It’s real. She’s just Italian.
deleted by creator
AI = Actual Italian
deleted by creator
It’s not AI. It’s real. Source in Italian:
The hands are too good for AI
You would be surprised how much better it’s gotten within a one year period
That and the fact that you can just regenerate the image until you get one with non shitty looking hands
These are so odd they look AI generated.
I think it’s the barely existent backgrounds, for me
Hast thee forsaken stock images or art thou full of ignorance?
A wheel of Parmigiano is about 40kg. That’s 2/3rds of her weight… they look weird 'cause they’re 'shopped.
She’s an olympic gymnast I think she can probably hold 40kg…
40 kg of weight not 40 kg of cheese. 40 kg of cheese is heavier.
What’s heavier, 40kg of feathers or 40kg of steel?
They are so weird
what’s wrong with odd in your opinion?
It’s weird
that’s odd
Weird as opposed to odd?
I know those are probably prop cheese wheels, but I can’t help but think they could’ve made a lot of money selling the ones she did the splits on.
My god, lol. That’s some good business sense though.
If I lacked morals and self respect I’d be a very wealthy man indeed.
I only have half those, teach me your ways.
Step 1: Get Wheels of Parm Step 2: ??? Step 3: Profit
I think you should spend less time on the Internet.
This looks like AI, I know it isn’t, but it’s just bizarre enough that my brain goes “nope can’t be real.”
That’s understandable, her feet and hands both look very strange, that’s usually the biggest giveaway for AI. Her right hand is angled to show not enough fingers, and her left hand is bent the opposite way of what you’d expect and looks like a foot. Her foot looks like she has a tiny big toe, overly curled other toes and no heel. The reflection of the cheese on the under side of her forward pointing leg makes it look like she has an extra knee on the back of her calf.
I think it’s because I accidentally uploaded a really low-res version which is probably no better than cropping the initial xitter screenshot above. That and it is an ad and therefore generously retouched.
I’ve never felt love so strongly until this very moment
I think the real question we all you to be asking yourself, is what has kept you from getting a sponsorship from big cheese?
I think it’s because I’d need to be some sort of athlete and not just sit there eating cheese by the handful
Now I kinda want a Kraft Cheese Starter jacket from the 90s…
Probably being vegan and not famous
One of the Canadian canoe slalom athletes is sponsored by eggs
Back when I saw ads I used to regularly see commercials for eggs. Just a friendly reminder how good they are.
Eggs are nice confirmed ^is your autocorrect okay there bud^
My autocorrdt is good but il not so sometimes its trusts my rushed bs much that it becomes a correction.
Had I read you comment before seeing the atrocity that was mine I would have left it as is.
Edit: I’m leaving it 😴
jfc isn’t that like a 100lb wheel of cheese?
~80lbs is the usual weight.
and she’s hugging it like it’s a teddy bear lol
It doesn’t need to be real. My local grocery has fake wheels for decoration.
fake cheese? never been so disappointed
Still, she’s a BEAST! Knowing nothing, I searched. Gymnast, dang!
My wife was a college gymnast when I met her. She was ridiculously strong, I was scaroused. Gymnasts are not from this planet. That weight would be no problem for most.
Edit: on second look, her hands aren’t clasped and fingers loosely interlinked, probably fake cheese but my above comment still stands.
36kg, around 1000€
I don’t know why but these pictures remind me of AI generated (not saying they are)!
Yeah it has that plausible yet completely bizarre setup of an AI image.
Wow! She demolished that cheese wheel, how long did it take her to eat that much cheese?
Truly she is the Dragonborn
Not as long as it’s going to take for it to exit her body…
She’s an Olympic gymnast, she’ll have it flying out of there in no time.
She’s Italian. So… yup.
I never knew any sponsorship would work on me and yet here i am desperatly craving for parmesan near me.