• UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    If a Congressional House Majority announces “Trump won liberals can go pound sand”, what exactly are the liberals going to do about it? Beg the Supreme Court to beg the House leadership to stop saying Trump won?

    At some level, the political system is about people obeying other people. Democracy creates an aura of legitimacy to an individual assuming office, but dictatorship has its own means of asserting control. Should the House Majority have enough governors on board and a SCOTUS majority swears him in and the police/national guard are MAGA pilled already, who exactly stops Trump from waltzing into office, kicking up his shoes on the Resolute desk, and announcing “I’m President now”?

    That’s assuming we’re in an uncontested election and House Reps tell the electoral college to piss off. If there’s any room for doubt as to who won the election, we’re right back at Bush v Gore, with a Republican court majority announcing the winner and the House simply rubber stamping the results.