“The truth is I was being hunted down from everything I posted to every post I liked because I was not in line with the acceptable narrative of the time,”
If you define the “acceptable narrative of the time” as “conforming with reality and minimal human empathy” then yes, that’s accurate.
actively discouraged the COVID vaccine and iirc pushed the horse deworming medicine and bleach
“I was not in line with the acceptable narrative at the time”
Color me shocked she got public backlash when using her fame as a platform to spout anti-vax BS.
“Gina Carano will not be returning to The Mandalorian or the Star Wars galaxy after sharing a post on social media implying that being a Republican today is like being Jewish during the Holocaust.”
I read about a Jewish woman standing on a train platform whose baby was crying from hunger. The Nazi guard didn’t like the noise and grabbed the baby by both legs and swung it as hard as he could against a brick wall and then handed it back to the mom and made some quip about how it wasn’t crying anymore.
Before they built the gas chambers and ovens they used to just force all the men, women, and children to dig huge trenches, then they’d make them all climb inside, and then just mow them down with machine guns. Adolph Eichmann said he orchestrated the gas chambers and built the Nazi genocide machine to spare the Nazi soldiers from the low morale that came from gunning down thousands and thousands of helpless moms holding up their babies begging for salvation, along with elderly people, and kids, while the able-bodied dads, sons, and brothers were sent to work as slaves for as long as it took for them to starve to death or die of exposure.
What a stupid and ignorant thing for this absolute uneducated fool to say out loud.
And fuck social media for giving her a platform to begin with.
Fuck, I hate to side with the Mouse but at least this time around they seem to be drawing a line instead of promoting Nazism to Americans.
“Let them fight!”
MechaMouse vs. Qzilla
Oh look, another Peter Thiel vs. Gawker situation. Except Disney has much better lawyers than Gawker did.
Let’s see who blinks first. I’m guessing it won’t be Disney.
And also that the Hulkster actually had a case. Gawker repeatedly refused to comply with court orders to take Hulk’s tuna can video down.
This is just a wanna-be martyr who got fired because she couldn’t keep her goddamn mouth shut about her stupid conspiracy theories and ride the Mouse’s cash train. But hey, watching Muskie burn even more money is always entertaining, so fucking let it rip.
I get that Hulk had a case, but he couldn’t have afforded to bring it himself. So Peter Thiel, who has endless money and an axe to grind with Gawker for outing him, funded it.
Which is sort of similar here, except that Musk’s axe to grind is because Disney stopped giving Twitter money and is “woke,” so it’s even more petty.
It was more about who is funding the case than whether the case has merit.
The PayPal mafia really is enjoying living up to the name.
Musk vs The Mouse
Not to be confused with The Mouse and The Mask.
What about The Mouse and the Motorcycle?
Mouse Musk
eau de toilette
This is not the same at all. Disney did not out anything private about her or Musk. They also did not publish revenge porn of her. She is a public transphobe and a Holocaust denier.
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Crybaby fascist Republicans: “Cake shops shouldn’t have to do business with people they don’t like!!!”
Also crybaby fascist Republicans: “Disney should have to do business with me no matter what I say or do!!!”
I can’t wait to see Disney counter-sue these fuckers for this ridiculousness.
Musk better end up covering both sides’ legal fees.
Filing a nuisance suit against her former employer is a great way to boost her career, and teaming up with a scumbag like Musk helps clarify her ethics for anyone who’s unfamiliar with who she is. Outstanding move, Gina!
She no longer has a career with mainstream studios.
Fascist bullshit is her career now. I assume she has another wackadoodle movie coming out soon. Or maybe she’s the next mother of Elon’s soon to be estranged children.
Aka the Sorbo Guide to the Entertainment Industry.
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On the subject of Sorbo, apparently he had two small strokes during his time on Hercules and that’s part of why he went off the rails so damn abruptly.
In other words they’re following a playbook written by the brain-damaged, literally. By all means, go on.
Two strokes and a man in the 90s being upstaged by a spin-off of his show starring a woman in an action role with intense queer implications.
Well, she voluntarily took multiple blows to the head as a MMA fighter…
Oh Peanut…
As much as I agree with you logically, and also disagree with what she did, we shouldn’t encourage people to avoid lawsuits to address injustice they perceived. That’s how we ended up with #metoo. So many on the entertainment industry not rocking the boat as it could damage their career. Some were blacklisted for speaking out, so it was a real fear.
If it was a real injustice the same logic would apply and we should take that into consideration when we consider damages for real injustices.
I agree completely. I had the same concern as I was writing my comment, which is why I was careful to specify that it’s a nuisance suit. (Side note: autocorrect saved my butt. I can never remember how to spell “nuisance”.)
The suit details that Carano was required by Disney to meet with a representative from the LGBTQ+ group Glaad after online behaviour that was seen as anti-trans, yet she refused. She was then asked to meet with a group of LGBTQ+ Disney employees but again refused and was fired soon after.
Girl…you were put on a Performance Improvement Plan. You didn’t complete it. You were fired as a result. It would happen at my job, too. They don’t want to give money to people who will make them look bad. Most places don’t. You probably signed a lot of paperwork agreeing to do or not do a bunch of shit and then you did it.
Was that like…your first job or something?
Edit: I read this on here right before the Gina article. Elon Musk is such a trash person and hypocrite:
Per Bloomberg, these California workers were fired in 2022 after they circulated a draft of an open letter critical of CEO Elon Musk. The letter stated that Musk’s behavior in public was “a frequent source of distraction and embarrassment,” according to a New York Times report.
It also contained an allegation that the company wasn’t complying with its zero-tolerance policy on sexual harassment. Although the draft letter didn’t specify the exact allegations, it mentioned “recent allegations against our CEO and his public disparagement of the situation,” per The Verge.
Also the demand she meet with queer coworkers was clearly an attempt to communicate that she was creating a hostile workplace for coworkers based on protected statuses.
And it should be noted that politics are intentionally not protected because otherwise black listing communists would be illegal
The suit details that Carano was required by Disney to meet with a representative from the LGBTQ+ group Glaad after online behaviour that was seen as anti-trans, yet she refused. She was then asked to meet with a group of LGBTQ+ Disney employees but again refused and was fired soon after.
Interesting - I’d have thought someone who clearly has a history of using steroids would be more empathetic to those who’s gender doesn’t match their outward appearance
I don’t know what part about this story I hate more; she was good in the role and entertaining but refused to even even meet with LGBT individuals.
Or the fact that the mouse was entirely justified in their actions here after giving her two very easy outs to save her job. If the mouse looks good next to you during a conflict, you definitely fucked up.
Also stinkrat needs to.go to Mars already and either have his rocket explode or get run over by a smart far.
I’m not about to be lectured by a bunch SJW activists, even if I generally agree with them. I can’t blame her there, it sounds unbearable.
But she knew what the deal was when she skipped those meetings, and you can’t come back with a law suit saying you were unfairly fired. She chose to not play the game, but still wants the disney paychecks.
Hard downvote because calling people sjw betrays the fact that you don’t understand that people just wants to live and let live.
Typically that’s not what it is at all, but that is how the fashy media paints it.
The purpose of those kinds of meetings, is for shitty people to be placed faced to face with one or more LGBT persons (or in other situations a black person, or a Muslim or whatnot). And maybe, just maybe, the shitty person can learn, than e.g. someone gay or trans; while slightly different, largely they are just people.
mate if you don’t want to be told what to do dont be a fucking actor. That’s literally the entire job.
I mean, it was either get lectured by the people you have been disparaging or get fired. If I had to go to a meeting because I didn’t realize something I said was hurtful, I’d just be happy to still have a job.
The problem was treating her like she’s not just hateful.
The problem was treating her like she’s not just hateful.
They gave her the choice to play the game and pretend she’s not hateful, or just be hateful. She chose the latter.
Wow, what an arcane trixster you are
Ah, “SJW”, “CRT”, “Woke” etc. - words that right wing opinion manipulation campaigns load with anything unpopular amongst their base so they can unite in hate against the “other” group, even if no two people agree on who belongs in it and why.
I don’t know what you’re expecting to accomplish here. She spouted hateful things about a group of marginalized people, told that as a public figure she was not allowed to do that while on Disney payroll, and given an opportunity to save her job. She was being asked to sit down in a private meeting with individuals who identify as LBGT, not being forced to do PR work like hosting a fundraiser or having alterations to her contract obligating her to do screen work that she wasn’t interested in.
I would get fired from my job for making social media posts like she did, and there is absolutely no way my employers would be willing to say everything was forgiven if I just sat down in a meeting or had lunch with a handful of people I had indirectly insulted. She wasn’t being treated unfairly or being made to change her position on a subject publicly, she was being asked to stop spreading hate speech.
Who’s lecturing you? You just chimed in.
Oh no, her right to not suffer the consequences of her actions was infringed. She should be allowed to say whatever she wants and no one should be able to get upset, they have to accept it, it’s not like other people have rights, only her.
Can that guy please get out of every fucking news story in the world? He’s like a poisoned drop of ink in a glass of water that spreads and spreads until the whole fucking glass is filled black with poison. Except the glass of water is actually the entire zeitgeist.
Yeah. But too many billionaires do the same, they just manage to be invisible or have a better image crafted. They are the new lords and ladies of our civilization with incredibly, unaccountable and undemocratic power.
I had forgotten what she was fired for and was taking her side in the headline right up till it said “with the help of Elon Musk.” Then I knew she had to have done something really dumb. COVID misinformation is no joke kids. Not even once.
Comparing having a unpopular and ignorant opinion to being in a victim of the Holocaust is also not a good move.
But yeah antisemitic gonna be antisemitic.
“The ability to speak doesn’t make you intelligent.”
First off screw Gina Carano.
People do have a right to say whatever they want, no matter how racist, homophobic, transphobic or sexist it is … it’s just that most people can’t afford to defend that level of stupidity, arrogance and ignorance in the court of public opinion or an actual court.
I mean sort of. While I get what you are saying but it seems a bit weird, as long as the person isn’t being fired for being part of a protected class I see no issue with a company trying to distance themselves from someone who function is to be a “Brand Mascot” where what they say will be associated with the company hiring them. Fame is a rather fickled thing and reputation sort of plays into the worth of a “celebrity”, like sure behind closed doors these asshats can be as vile and shitty as they want to be but the second they are exposed in the public, the public’s desire to see said person probably drops dramatically since they are isolating a section(s) of the audience who will be wanting to watch something with them in it.
Hell a decent example would be Ellen Degeneres, after it came out publicly that she was a bit of a cunt to her workers. The rating for her show dropped quite a bit (apparently about 40%) after the backlash leading to many of her side shows getting canned and her not getting renewed for a new season for her talk show. At the end of the day its just a big popularity contest where everyone is vying for people’s attention in an already saturated market.
As much as I enjoyed her character, her side drama wasn’t worth it. :(
Her character was fun, but I didn’t think she handled the “deeper” scenes where they tried to fill out her character.
I loved the show, though, and thought she had potential for future seasons. I don’t miss her not being on the show, and knowing she’s a nutjob erases any sympathy I’d have for her getting Mandy’d.
Hate speech or fascist speech has to be repressed. There should be legal recourse but we are seeing now how the unfiltered and amplifying of profitable “polarizing” messages help fascism spread. It’s almost too late.
PS: But maybe they could bring her back as a storm trooper?
*Your support of storm troopers has been noted and your account has been shadow banned to repress the pro-fascist commentary.