RIP Tommy Johnson who ran Monroe, Louisiana’s Cottonport Coffee in the early 2000’s
He wrote the cash register program himself and ran the whole shebang on Linux.
Miss ya, man.
Our News Team @ 11 with host Snot Flickerman
RIP Tommy Johnson who ran Monroe, Louisiana’s Cottonport Coffee in the early 2000’s
He wrote the cash register program himself and ran the whole shebang on Linux.
Miss ya, man.
It’s a copy riot.
They aren’t any better than any other company. They are pushing subscriptions just like HP.
If it is a corporation, it is not your friend. They just want your money.
And if you think the gaggle of idiots running the country right now (up to and including RFK Jr.) has any intent to make personal genomics affordable to anyone but themselves, I’ve got a fucking bridge to sell you.
From Wikipedia:
Before the mid-20th century, scientific racism was accepted throughout the scientific community, but it is no longer considered scientific. The division of humankind into biologically separate groups, along with the assignment of particular physical and mental characteristics to these groups through constructing and applying corresponding explanatory models, is referred to as racialism, racial realism, race realism, or race science by those who support these ideas. Modern scientific consensus rejects this view as being irreconcilable with modern genetic research.
Scientific racism misapplies, misconstrues, or distorts anthropology (notably physical anthropology), craniometry, evolutionary biology, and other disciplines or pseudo-disciplines through proposing anthropological typologies to classify human populations into physically discrete human races, some of which might be asserted to be superior or inferior to others.
From the article:
African Americans have a long history of mistrust in the medical system, rooted in legacies of abuse and mistreatment, including unethical experiments on Black people. Examples include the Tuskegee syphilis study, the gynecology malpractice of J Marion Sims on enslaved Black women and the exploitation of Henrietta Lacks for cancer treatment, all which violated the principles of research ethics. The basis of these events stemmed from exploitation upheld by the idea that race is biological. In 2003, the Human Genome Project found that there is no genetic basis for race and that the term “race” is not biologically meaningful, meaning statements like Kennedy’s are not only outdated, but also false.
Throughout history, two enduring physiological myths – that Black people have a higher pain tolerance and weak lungs that could be strengthened through hard labor – have circulated within the medical community and continue to influence modern medical education and practice. Research has shown that many American physicians, medical students and residents hold incorrect beliefs about biological differences between races, which contribute to racial bias and disparities in pain perception and treatment recommendations. A 2016 survey revealed that of 222 white American medical students and residents, nearly 60% thought Black people’s skin is thicker than white peoples, and 12% thought Black people’s nerve endings were less sensitive than those of white people. Neither is true.
“Spreading false rhetoric that Black people have stronger immune systems recalls this notion of a super-humanization bias, which claims that Black people’s bodies function and endure pain differently,” said Zoé Samudzi, a visiting assistant professor at Clark University. Samudzi, who holds a PhD in medical sociology, fears the rise in misinformation will roll back recent progress across health fields. “Race-based medicine should not be the means of addressing the disparities in health outcomes that fall on the lines of race,” she said.
Not at all what the article or Wikipedia is referring to, but you do you.
Exactly, Huffman basically sniffs Musk’s farts so the idea that this will end is foolhardy.
Pixel 6a I uninstalled it no issues.
Blatant hypocrisy, in their eyes, is merely an expression of power. They get to do it and you don’t.
It’s Wednesday, my dudes.
I’m not even ready for Arch because I can’t make decisions for myself.
“Don’t be evil” never meant anything except don’t put ads before search results and they clearly abandoned that one a long time ago.
Bump. This is what I do too. So much easier to just avoid it entirely.
For sure, but it’s well within reach of people outside of the US without having to ask more of them. They have their own problems, and a lot of those problems they have historically have been made worse by US meddling. I don’t expect people from the rest of the world to come running to save the US, I think the world learned that lesson after 9/11 when we threw away the good will of the wider world to become Team America World Police.
That’s why, despite it not being a strong form of protest, it’s all I feel comfortable asking of people from elsewhere in the world in stopping what is happening here.
You can stop buying American products and services. As a US citizen, I think the rest of the planet needs to boycott our shit.
I know it will hurt me and other US citizens. That’s not really the point anymore. We will get hurt anyway. One of the few ways to undermine what they’re trying to do is to hit them in the pocketbook and stop giving them money.
So, what you can do is purchase with your conscience in knowing that supporting the US is supporting a despotic regime.
That’s all you can really do, and considering how much of an aberrant bully the US has been, I can’t really ask for help beyond that.
I’m still not entirely convinced Musk didn’t steal the election, but the evidence I’ve seen to support it is rather thin beyond circumstantial evidence about voting patterns. We don’t have benevolent hacker groups looking out for us anymore, I don’t think.
A lot of folks don’t understand that a lot of hacks/leaks relied on people from other countries doing the hack. If you’re a citizen of the country you’re trying to hack, you’re in for a real bad time.
The rest of the world is too busy fixing their own problems to be worrying about fixing the USA when we fucked this one up all on our own.
Honestly, we’ve been fucking it up all on our own and showing the rest of the world how little we respect their opinion since at least two weeks after 9/11/2001.
It also sounds like Trump and Musk’s whole lives.
Everything has been about appearances, each time they change their appearance to attract new followers, some cracks appear in the facade. That’s how Musk went from a left-wing darling saving the environment to a Trump sycophant hated by the left.
The worst problem in this world is that we will all be endlessly told to just work on ourselves and make ourselves better every time we have to deal with cretinous motherfuckers who will never spend a single moment of their life working on self-improvement or being a better person.
Some days I really wish that China’s social credit score thing was real, but actually effectively applied at real anti-social people. Like right-wing fucking thugs who chose to cough all over people during COVID because they decided they were smarter than scientists and doctors and it “must be a hoax!”
I wish there was a system to force these people into doing some basic fucking self reflection and choosing to be better.
Genuinely, my entire life has been spent being prosocial and trying very hard to be a good person, and every time I fall apart because I’m surrounded by selfish fucking asshole idiots, it’s my job to get the fuck over it, never their job to become better people.
As for you, specifically, a healthy workplace is one that doesn’t judge people for being different but instead sees the hard work they do and accepts that every individual has their own needs and can be healthy and productive in the workplace without being just like everybody else. I am so sorry you’re experiencing this, because you don’t deserve to. Your accomplishments at work should be the measure of whether you matter, not whether you are sociable enough that’s just silly.
And I’m saying the first begets the second.
You don’t become a media organization that bends the knee overnight, it’s a death by a thousand cuts. Those cuts are things like sitting on a story for the government when you don’t have to.
That humans can survive the climate disaster they created.