No it’s pretty good. Green energy, non competes being banned, student loan forgiveness, etc. As always Dems don’t get the credit.
Signature unclear.
And we’re back to:
Want more? Then give them more victories. They need all 3 house of representatives, Senate, and presidency to pass things and they’ve had that for only 6 years of the last 44 years.
And so what’s his name can’t water it down. *Lieberman.
Taking a look at your profile, yikes. I have no idea how you aren’t banned yet. Ciao.
There’s ALWAYS a spoiler.
Hmmmmmmmmmm how about trying? Nahhhhh you don’t wanna, you just want to say “Dems bad”.
Not to mention this gap in logic. If it was a real spoiler, what would have happened? It wouldn’t have passed at all. But it did, watered down. So not a spoiler, pretty much by definition. It’s a watering down, by definition.
And there wasn’t a spoiler at all for debt forgiveness. It was a packed court. So how about voting so that the GOP can’t pack the court? Another gap in logic.
And all the things that DID pass lol. Green energy, EVs, CHIPS, PACT, etc, etc, etc. No spoiler there. Another gap in logic.
Want more? Then give them more victories. They need all 3 house of representatives, Senate, and presidency to pass things and they’ve had that for only 6 years of the last 44 years.
And so what’s his name can’t water it down. *Lieberman.
Never played settlers so I went with something I had.
You don’t typically hoard trash, you hoard stuff. Trash accumulation is more from depression.
Kinda like civilization?
I know it’s just a comic strip but I don’t think that’s the thought pattern behind trash accumulation.
In what ways is it useful?
Believe it or not some people celebrate society moving forward for everyone.
Lol except the dems literally gave the ACA and student debt forgiveness. Want more? Then give them more victories. They need all 3 house of representatives, Senate, and presidency to pass things and they’ve had that for only 6 years of the last 44 years.
Any continuation of Biden like policies is actually pretty damn good.
They still think it’s the illegals and their children.
which is probably gonna be that unauthorized immigrants are not “subject to the jurisdiction thereof”
From opening arguments podcast they said that was intended if say Mexico or Canada invaded, the soldiers bring their wives who give birth, then those kids are not subject to the jurisdiction of the US and not to be granted citizenship.
Of course lawyers can twist anything and scotus is rigged, so expect that.
Yes they’ll have to revoke citizenship.
You’re barking up a tree that really doesn’t need it.
How it works is that you vote for the person. This was set up before parties existed so you vote for the person.
To address your other comment, the other guy is right. The party doesn’t even matter, it’s how the politician votes. They can and are supposed to vote for whatever they want. They are not beholden to vote for what the party says, that’s not how it works and not how it’s supposed to work. It’s a vote by state legislators. And there is no recall election because of what we started with: how it works is you voted for the person.