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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 28th, 2022

  • The British diaspora is already corrupted when they refuse to confess that invented all the concentration camps, death camps, and war crimes that the Nazi German commited in the Nazi Holocaust. The Western European diaspora has a reason to outsource jobs to former European colonies, import large numbers of immigrants of color into their countries, and exiled their fellow rural white people in their own country into poverty: they had depleted their supply of Indigenous child slaves, human child experimentation subjects, and child sacrificial offerings to the demons in Residential fake school death camps that continued in secret after 1997 and which regressed the white people into parasites. The inheritance thief from the fake cultural assimilation projects also could not continue to sustain the Western European diaspora.

  • In comparison, the story of my abusive ableist family who is a member of the victims of Communism do not even have relevance to Communism at all. Instead, their claim is that they are fleeing from poverty from overpopulation, poor economy, and hostile social conditions that existed before the Communist takeover. Although my family did not mention the exact reason for their departure from mainland China, my family indicated that they fled around 1950 right before the Communist takeover and during the rule by Chinese warlords which means that my family have connection to the Chinese warlords or Chinese nationalists. The approximate date of departure also means that all the complains that my family made about mainland Chinese government are based on the former Chinese warlords and has no relevance to the actual Communist government that existed. My family’s greater value of economic prosperity over democracy is further proven by their change of allegiance where they now support the actions by Communist Party of China from their ability to transform China into a superpower despite their fear to return to mainland China.

  • The families of Western European diaspora gain their success through their property ownership, ‘natural’ park from ongoing land thief, child slaves in Indian Residential fake Schools that continued in secret after 1996, and stolen inheritance from abducted Indigenous children in the fake cultural assimilation projects. I cannot understand why the white supremacists and Nazis demand more childbirth from white people who depend completely in free riding of people in other racial castes and property ownership for their survival. Do those racist white supremacists want to breed more parasites who would destroy the civilization of Western European diaspora? The elites of Western European diaspora who broke their promised to give their position to Aboriginal children in Residential fake school in the fake cultural assimilation project had now decided to discard their rural subjects into poverty and import tons of formerly colonized people to sustain European parasitic civilization. Although some immigrant of colors come legally with human right protection[,] others were displaced from wars and repressive puppet tyrants that Pax Americana created so the refugees need to come [as] undocumented slaves who work in high dangerous conditions with the promise to gain citizenship in the country of free riders.

  • His action has widespread attention so the Pax Americana cannot commit the typical brutality and human rights violations against him. This is unlike the people who are exposing the Indian Residential fake school death camp genocide in British diaspora that secretly continued after 1997, the recent replacement of depleted Indigenous child slaves in fake schools with intentionally displaced refugee of color, the continued land thief to create ‘natural’ park, the plagiarism of work of people of color in international development, and human trafficking under the fake cultural assimilation policy.

  • I also witnessed the delinquency and racism towards Hong Kong Canadians by the members of “Free Tibet” association in Parkdale high School of Toronto city of Canada that consist of Tibetans who fled their country before Communist takeover as one additional evidence that the culture of Tibet before Communist period is toxic. Anyway, the Pax Americana always complain about Communist takeover and disregard the fact that Communists took over countries that had more worse human rights records before the Communist period even on the assumption that the accusations by Pax Americana school textbooks towards the Communist is true.

  • The more established term is fascists which refers to an ideology that advocates for military expansion and supremacy of a nation. Nazi had become a term to denote a type of fascism with the idea of a superior race from the many psuedo science that European diaspora fabricated to justify racism against non-Europeans and against other Europeans. National socialism is a term that Hitler coined to steal the good reputation that real socialists made for the label despite Hitler’s overt persecuation of Socialists and enforce the Capitalist redefinition of Socialism to mean command economy.

  • The similarity that I see between Zionism and Nazi is their imitation of the British diaspora’s war crimes. The Nazi copied the war crimes from the British diaspora against Indigenous groups in North American, Pacific, and Australia like the Indian Residential fake School death camps that existed since 1850s and that continued in secret in 1997. The Israel did copied the approach of Pax Americana of violence, mass murder, thief, property destruction, and anti-terrorist terrorism against innocent civilians in their conflict resolution.

  • Zelensky could also stop the Kyiv’s genocide against civilians in rebelling states in Dombas that provided the justification for Russian military intervention in the first place. Besides the self-infliction of the Russian military intervention, the martial law is also unjustifiable from the increasing evidence that Russian military is loyally obeying Putin’s order to protect an ethnic group in Ukraine from genocide. I gain my information mostly from Pax Americana fake news and Pax Americana bootlickers about the Ukraine-Russia war, but even the biased sources of information indicated that Putin is conducting real humanitarian intervention in Ukraine if the biased information is critically examined. One of the evidences is that defectors from Russian military had not existed contrary to the earlier Pax Americana reports. A second evidence is that the videos of “Russian” assault against civilians occured in Dombass that is under the control of “Russian”, or Ukrainians who seek separation from Kyiv. A third evidence is that the reports that Ukraine is the one that face economic collapse from the war contrary to the prophecy that Russia will face economic collapse which indicates that Kyiv is the one who suffer from defection and wasteful military spending. The reports of corruption by Kyiv government even from news companies that often publicize false information that support Kyiv is a fourth evidence.

  • I will not oppose this policy since the victims are people who follow this same policy of scpaegoating to justify racism, massacre of worker who stage peaceful protest that demands meritocracy, genocide against Indigenous people of North America that babysit spoiled European immigrants, and “anti-terrorist” terrorism.

  • Liberals: rigged electoralism in Western European diaspora good because electoralism is the sole indicator of democracy.

    Also Liberals: any democratic fair election results that does not favor Pax Americana are authoritarian and rigged because it does not favor the government by racist white supremacists.

  • The British diaspora and Western Europeans now depend on a huge influx of legal immigrants of color to support their parasitic lifestyle although they could still gather a reserves of undocumented immigrants as slaves. The open imports of immigrants of color indicates that British diaspora depleted its reserves of Indigenous child slaves and stolen inheritance in the Residential fake School death camps and that Pax Americana could not use the Bretton Woods Institution to steal the fruit of other people’s labor from the debt trapping, misinformation, blackmailing, and puppet governments. The need of elites in Western European diaspora to betray their own wasteful white people for new immigrants of color is a major indication that Pax Americana order is already failing.