That would make me legitimately sad
That would make me legitimately sad
Not a single western government ever gave a shit about the ukrainian people. They were an instrument to hurt Russia. Now that it has become obvious that this did not work they want returns on their “investment”
Edit: just realized I’m preaching to the choir lol
Now you see the problem here is I never expected better shoes, I knew damn well no one would give them to me. I also despise the insinuation that the democrats provided protection of any kind
Cat tax
Its common all over the world tbh but you mostly see it in big cities
My apologies, that wasn’t a quote it was meant to imply sarcasm. I was saying failed the party in a facetious sense because I don’t believe anyone actually failed them.
Sure biden wouldn’t have explicitly called for ethnic cleansing but he was and would continue sending them all the bombs they needed to do it while supporting all of their propaganda. The only difference is rhetoric and speed.
Why are you angry at the voters who “failed the party” and not at the party for failing to attract voters?
Gonna start telling anarchist we just need one big syndicate that covers every industry lol. Thanks for the explanation that made things a lot clearer
Ah I see, my understanding was in fact limited lol. Would the rotation if leadership and democratic nature of the syndicate not mitigate the petit bourgeois aspirations of individuals though?
Line must go up
Syndicalism (as i understand it which is limited) would go fucking hard after class has been genuinely eliminated
Hold on, what does trotsky have to do with aliens? I thought that was only a posad thing.
No lol, the factory owner would just pay his private security a premium to kick your fucking teeth in if you don’t work. You actually think unregulated capitalism is BETTER???
The whole point of a state is to mitigate the worst of class conflict, remove that and the class with greater resources (the one ruling before the removal of the state) wins the conflict.
The removal of a state doesn’t make unions more powerful it makes the owning class more able to destroy them. An anarcho-capitalist experiment either ends in slavery or revolution.
What do we even produce? Debt?
Oh i thoughr you meant the mythological creature
You think they would have learned after the Afghan Mujahideen