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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: May 28th, 2024


  • it’s because they’re afraid to rattle those cages. Same reason why it’s always “companies want workers to return to the office, here’s why” and never “Here’s WHY employees don’t want to return to the office”. They don’t want to piss off the powers that be for fear of hurting their already very fragile media business.

    “oh you’re knocking our company for stagnate wages? for forcing people to come back to the office? ok well we’re going to directly hurt your ad revenue by pulling our ads from your paper/site”

  • know someone who did this recently. lived in their “office” that they rented for like $300 a month for just over a year while they got back on their feet. It was easy. it was a pretty small building with a few offices in it, no onsite security, cleaners only cleaned the hallways and common area and only did it during the day. it was a building full of “start ups” so it wasn’t uncommon for people to be there late or even overnight so he just blended in and could come and go as he pleased. only issue naturally was showering but there was a goodlife across the street so he just got a membership to shower there.

    I mean if you can find a similar space then I say why not? go for it. He said it was easier to rent that office space than it was to rent an apartment. didn’t need references, no credit check, no competition so you’re not gonna get out bid, literally just said that he’ll take it, paid $600, signed a lease, and that was it. moved in the same day.

  • but then you have the hurdle of actually being able to join a credit union. I remember a couple years ago I was trying to help one of my clients get a credit union account (who was homeless but working) and he couldn’t get it. don’t remember the specific reason but I do know we went across the street and was able to open a scotiabank account.

    It was Merdian bank so don’t know how good they are. I figuerd the credit union would be easier to work with in his case since like you said there’s no minimum fees, I was wrong.

  • also need to keep cash around for poor people. when I was homeless 10 years ago if cash wasn’t a thing I would have been well and truly fucked.

    You also need to further lower the barrier of entry for simply getting a bank account. Make it so, once again in Ontario at least, your OHIP card is a valid id to open an account. Because if you go cashless and you don’t have a bank account you’ll never get one. costs money to get a valid form of ID here to open one. Hell I know people who don’t even have bank accounts because they can’t afford it. They can’t afford the monthly fee. they either get paid in cash or have somenoe cash their paycheques for them.

  • My sister is an elementary school principal and she is absolutely infuriating. she’s smart don’t get me wrong, book smarts that is. Went to university twice, got her masters, she skipped 8th grade when she was a kid.

    However when it comes to common sense/street smarts…oh boy. dumb as a pile of rocks. Took her god knows how many times to pass her driving exam. Written test? no problem, aced it the first try. the actual DRIVING portion? failed it god knows how many times to the point the instructor just couldn’t comprehend how someone who knew all the rules, everything, on the written test couldn’t transfer that to actually using it. Common sesne is a foreign concept to her. Like the most basic things that you and I do in everyday life boggle her mind.

    To top it all off, she hates kids. I shit you not she’s been a teacher/principal for nearly two decades and cannot stand kids. Her husband wanted children but she said no, she doesn’t want kids - to quote her “I really can’t stand children”. It’s like saying I can’t stand pizza, it makes me sick, so I’m gonna go work at Pizza Pizza and make a god damn career out of it.

    My point is the principal in this case is a douche and administration is no better so reading stories like this doesn’t surprise me at all. They really pick from the bottom of the barrel to fill those roles.

    Needless to say my sister and I do not get along.

  • I volunteer for both a food bank and community centre/drop-in. I’d say the past year or so I’ve seen a lot more homeless seniors, especially women, then ever before. Hell I’ve just seen more “regular” people in general then ever before. Homelessness in this country is 100% no longer something regulated to the mentally ill or addicts it’s now affecting everyone. Majority of people I work with now you wouldn’t think were homeless if you walked by them no the street or saw them having a coffee in tim hortons. At first I was shocked like “you’re homeless? you don’t look it” but now it’s no surprise. You could have a clean cut person wearing clean and nice clothes looks like they work on king street come up to me and say their homeless and I wouldn’t bat an eye.

    The problem is the system as it exists now and as done for decades isn’t built to deal with these people. It’s not meant for people who are elderly or families or people who are simply broke. None of the resources we have can help these people because they’ve always been tailored to the addicts and the mentally ill. Shelters aren’t going to help even if there were space available again because shelters are set up and staff trained to work with addicts and the mentally ill. I’ve had co-workers come up to me and say “I don’t know how to help this person or these people because none of the resources or programs we have will help them”.

    We took a very narrow look at the homeless and instantly said that they’re homeless because they’re drug addicts or crazy. And that just simply isn’t the case anymore. The fact of the matter is, based on my experience, Addicts and the mentally ill are quickly becoming a minority within the homeless population. I know that will be difficult to swallow but it’s the truth. I work more with “regular” people now than I do with someone on drugs or someone that doesn’t know where they are.

    We need to rethink and rework how we deal with the homeless population in this country. We need to ditch the thinking that they’re all addicts and finally accept that most are now just like you or me. Thus we need to start tailoring resources and programs to instead of focusing on rehab, mental health, and street health to focusing on housing, jobs, and food. Because I’m no longer being asked about safe injection sites or CAMH referrals now I’m being asked about Jobs and where to eat daily.

  • I just want to follow up and say “thank you so much!” I took the dive and partioned out space for Linux Mint. played around with it for a bit and said “fuck it, I love this thing” and did a fresh install on my laptop deleting windows 11.

    Holy crap this thing has improved my laptop so much. it’s so damn fast, boots up quicklly and believe it or not my battery lasts longer now. I just spent hours customizing how it looks, it’s fun, it’s great.

    Also I was easilly about to install steam, elden ring, Final Fantasy XIV and even World of Warcraft and they all work, and run, better on this machine now.

    WoW was actually pretty easy to get going in all honesty. Instead of installing WoW directly on Litrus instead you install Battle.net via Litrus and it simply does the rest, EVEN going that route allowed me to install other blizzard games like Hearthstone without doing anything special.

    My only beef right now is I’m having issues customizing the panel like I want. Tried installing polybar and got in a bit over my head with i3wm but I’m sure I’ll figure that stuff out soon. Got a cool app launcher going that makes things so much easier, even changed the shell and got zsh going which is great.

    I love it, absolutely love it and won’t be going back to Windows ever. I imagine once I get a handle of Mint I might switch to a different distro like Arch (I love the look of that and how people have customized it) but for now this is perfect.