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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 3rd, 2024


  • And they’re going to quickly find out how much that illusion of power is worth when they try to contain or cross whatever right-wing fascist they help empower.

    These idiots think their power structure isn’t going to be gutted like some kind of Mortal Combat move as soon as it is convenient for the king of the US to do so. They have no enforcement of their own, the other branches barely have to listen to them as it is, and by the time whatever CIA maga thug clubs them to death in their bed it’s going to be too late for them to render a judgement on whether it’s an official act. They’ll be dead and replaced with someone who values their life more.

  • Literally anyone.

    That’s your answer. Throw a dart into a crowd of democratic politicians (just make sure to throw it hard) and democrats across the board, and a good number of independents, will vote for whoever it hits because Donald Trump is still deeply unpopular.

    The reason this is possible is because Biden has become toxic and has now outed himself as completely doddering, he’s lost both the high and low information voters at this point so replacing him will only be a net benefit for Democrats. Wheel Klobachar or Bill de Blasio out there for all I care. People would quite literally vote for a Roomba. Are you understanding this? I’m telling you, explicitly, anyone stands a better chance over Biden.

  • He’s being selfish for trying to stop a tyrant from turning America into a dictatorship run by a rapist/convicted felon…

    He’s being selfish because he’s giving that fascist rapist the best chance he’s got at winning the white house, all because his ego won’t allow him to admit he’s failed and people don’t want him in the whitehouse.

    He was elected because he let the implication that he’d be a one-term care taker president. He knew from the beginning that he didn’t have what it would take to carry a second election, but he’s just too addicted to trying to salvage his legacy.

    What he’ll be remebered for funding a genocide, clinging arrigantly to power and handing our democracy over to the far right.