Meanwhile the village idiot is being flogged for heresy for daring to suggest that the prayer this stranger priest was chanting moments before his sister tumbled into the fire may have been responsible.
Meanwhile the village idiot is being flogged for heresy for daring to suggest that the prayer this stranger priest was chanting moments before his sister tumbled into the fire may have been responsible.
Hbomberguy has a really good video about all of the problems that plagued production. It’s a pretty interesting watch that covers the way the story was put together, where the writers got their ideas from, and a bunch of behind the scenes stuff.
It’s pretty interesting: RWBY Is Disappointing, And Here’s Why
I’m very distracted by the fact that the answer given by number 2 is wrong.
Crazy how someone can go throw the process of writing and illustrating a math problem only to fail to count to 10.
And if you crop the first two panels and put the explanation at the bottom, suddenly it’s an SMBC comic.
And that’s only if they recognize what’s going on. If you’re just minding your business and suddenly it’s dark and hard to breathe, there are a bunch of monsters, spells, and magical phenomena that are possible culprits.
There are games other than DND 5E
You might want to try Lies of P. All of the highlights of Dark Souls combat and if you play your cards right pretty much every NPC gets a happy ending.
It’s free on Game Pass right now too, if you have that.
First time I’ve seen the word antediluvian used in a context that wasn’t referring to the ancient super vampires from Vampire the Masquerade.
Sacrificing a goat would be so much easier than some of the things I’ve done with Javascript. (Things that shouldn’t even be hard in the first place)
Whatever nerd.
You just hate me cause you ain’t me.
Is Konsi is actually flirting in the last 2 panels? Are we sure she didn’t get swapped with a doppelgänger?
The thing about the From Software games is that they’re (mostly) fair. Most action games give the player a huge leg up compared to the enemies - the boss has a glowing weakpoint that can be revealed with the item you found in the dungeon - or you’re a badass cyborg assassin vs rank and file goons.
In Dark Souls, you’re just a stubborn dude with a sword - and even the lowliest enemy can take you out if you get careless. But everyone is playing by the same rules, it sucks when an enemy staggers you and hits you while you can’t move - but you can figure out how to do the same to them. And the bosses really are doing everything in their power to make you dead.
The satisfaction of Dark Souls comes from meeting those challenges head on and beating them at their own game - or being clever enough to bypass or weaken the obstacle. It’s not for everybody, and it’s certainly not for anybody all the time - but it’s pretty awesome when you get to be David finally taking down Goliath.
I, Robot only has a 56%?!
Tweets? What are those? Do you mean X’s?
Unfortunately it’s probably something like 1 in 8.
Clean shaven arms and legs, combed hair (with highlights?), and an earring all imply that the goblin does care about and maintain her hygiene/appearance