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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: April 1st, 2024


  • have you ever talked to a trump cultist?

    has he rolled over? has he managed half his campaign promises? the ones people wanted? even just the ones that could be executive orders?

    (no he fucking hasn’t)

    I don’t give a shit how hard he’s got it. if he’s that tired, he should’ve stepped the fuckdownamd let someone competent, who could easily beat trump, have a shot.

    the only reason anyone votes for biden is Donald trump. if either party ran someone competent, or ecen just someone who wasnt an octogenarian fascist (crypto or balls slapping against a swastika as he screams ‘work will make you freeeeee!’) they would wipe the god damn floor with either of these fucking clowns. they won’t though. and that’s why I’m not voting.

    also, I’m in California. my vote literally did not matter, and, due to statistical fuckery, literally isn’t counted except in the ‘popular vote’ which does not matter.

    and you still haven’t said anything good about him or his policies. you people are exactly like trump cultists; its really sad.

  • these are incredibly basic ‘minimum first world country’ shit.

    most peripheral (‘third world’)countries have at least half of these. a few manage all of them, albeit with a much lower standard of medical care, because they don’t have things like reliable electricity.

    these are incredibly moderate, even conservative ideas, and the only systems they could possibly disrupt are the most rabidly unselfconsciously exploitative. if you’re against any of these; you’re anti civilization.