• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023

  • I would like you to explain how Captain America and Superman are reactionary.

    I mean… c’mon. Captain America is low-hanging fruit - the correlation between Captain America and actual US behavior in the world essentially writes itself.

    Superman is a far more sophisticated representation of US-style liberalism - but, just like liberalism itself, that doesn’t make Super Cheese any less of a reactionary.

    However… we can talk about the individual politics of these characters all day long - and we’d be missing the entire point of the metaphor in it’s entirety.

    The problem with the “super hero” genre is not the individual politics of the characters concerned - it’s with how they normalize and justify the concentration of power in the hands of these exalted individuals.

    In other words - the problem is fundamental.

    He doesn’t understand the core themes of superheroes,

    I think he understand them perfectly, because…

    Zack Snyder is an Objectivist

  • but student terrorist movements were largely left behind in the 70s

    The left has never left the use of force in the past - it is as available to us today, and as thoroughly justified, as it was in the 70’s… 1570s, 1870s or 2070s.

    The willingness to use force doesn’t distinguish between a left and a (supposed) “far left” - the left is not a mirror of the right, and there is no leftist equivalent to a far right (which is purely distinguished by it’s proximity to, willingness to control and/or operate the state machinery of violence).

    It’s not about spots on a silly “political compass” infographic and never has been.

  • By American standards, the Stop Cop City people are a ‘far left’ group;

    That’s not “far left.” That’s just plain old bog-standard left - whether in the US or anywhere else.

    action against Stop Cop City has been pretty brutal.

    Again… just common-or-garden variety treatment the left has always received from the forces of the status quo - nothing “far left” about it.

    There’s no such thing as a “far left” - and it’s critical that we push back on these kinds of propagandistic framing devices liberals love to use to demonize the left and provide cover for the right. I don’t think leftists realize how powerful and dangerous this basic type of propaganda can be.

  • want to preserve the status quo,

    No different than liberals, then.

    Fascists want to subvert democracy

    All institutionalized political power is violently anti-democratic - it’s literally why you are forced to pay for violent paramilitaries to police you and protect the status quo from anything that can be called democratic with a straight face.

    Fascists are not unique in that regards.

    and install a completely new status quo

    The capitalists that funded Hitler and Mussolini into power did not do so because fascists “install a completely new status quo.” The CIA didn’t fund fascists into power all over the third world during the Cold War because fascists “install a completely new status quo.”

    They funded fascists into power because fascists protect the status quo. You know… the status quo liberals and conservatives all love so much?

  • Now do conservative

    Which part of…

    I guess watching liberals pearl-clutching themselves into supporting colonialist genocide

    …didn’t you understand?

    So-called “conservatives” are liberals, Clyde. So-called “conservatives” buy into the exact same pro-capitalist, pro-colonialist ideology of liberalism that you buy into, Clyde.

    The only difference between the people you call “liberals” and the people you call “conservatives” are that the latter is further along the “liberal-to-fascist” pipeline than you are.