• 6 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 23rd, 2022


  • As with every other “crisis” capitalism faces, the solution is simple: no more capitalism, no more crisis.

    “A reduction in the share of workers can lead to labor shortages, which may raise the bargaining power of employees and lift wages — all of which is ultimately inflationary,” Simona Paravani-Mellinghoff, managing director at BlackRock, wrote in an analysis last year.

    Yeah, fuck that babbling bourgeois bullshit. Fun fact though, after plague killed so many people in Europe, the surviving serfs (and their more immediate descendants) had an unprecedented level of power and agency over their living and working conditions.

  • As far as I know, NASA has two current plans. Either sell the ISS to some billionaire, or deorbit it and drop it into the ocean. Both are really sad conclusions to an important scientific and engineering project.

    The funny thing is, the league of colonial crackers don’t have the capability to deorbit the ISS. Right now only the Russian Progress vehicle can significantly modify the orbit of the ISS. If it’s not deorbited quickly and precisely on purpose, it’ll deorbit on its own in an uncontrolled manner, with a slight risk of dropping debris on inhabited land.

  • There’s an argument to be made there. In terms of the lived reality in the Baltics that’s entirely likely. In terms of the second point though, the portrayal of westernized, there just isn’t as much media or political attention on the Baltic countries in the US. In Europe there is some, given Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania are EU members, but that’s more on a dry international relations level.

    This may just be my subjective take on it all though.

  • All of the US officials and thought leaders in the international politics sphere at that time knew what NATO expansion would mean and knew what concerns USSR/Russia had, and at least publicly took them seriously. I’m not coming with the exact names now, but it was types like Kissinger, Rumsfeld, Mearsheimer, etc. There’s even a white paper from one of them, probably during the Clinton administration, discussing how a proposed expansion is playing with fire and should not be considered.

    The agreement at the time, which IIRC the West German chancellor confirmed, was that NATO would expand eastward in that the DDR would be taken over by the BRD, but beyond that the alliance would move no closer to Russia.

  • In terms of the mainstream economic metrics liberal economists always like to cite, Ukraine is the worst performing nation in the world since the Yeltsin coup. You can even ignore the last four years to take the war and covid out of the picture, the story remains the same.

    Out of all the formerly Soviet states, Ukraine is the closest to the US, is portrayed as being the most “western,” and is the one which gave up its resources to western [allied] kleptocrats.

    Meanwhile the post Soviet states which kept some level of resource and economic nationalism, and while capitalist at least have a national bourgeoisie rather than an Atlanticist one, are much better off in terms of their real economies and sovereignty.