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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


  • Me me me. My despair.

    Your lack of empathy is fucking astounding. All the victims of these thieves you apologize for felt the same despair.

    Until we can change the system we have to decide how we conduct ourselves under it.

    I’ve been down to a bus station locker and a $1.50 shower in the morning and even then I wouldn’t steal from a working class person, double for working poor, and no fucking way would I victimize another homeless person.

    We’re all victims of capitalism in general. But you were also a victim of a specific piece of shit thief.

    Every one of these other victims are also victims. And every one of these thieves is a class traitor. And you’re apologizing for class traitors because you can’t comprehend the suffering of anyone but yourself.

    Maybe I’m missing something else. Do you identify with the thieves more than the victims? Are you a piece of shit that would steal from your fellows despite knowing firsthand what the consequences are? If you wouldn’t, I don’t understand why you’re throwing in with them.

  • I did. It’s a trash take. I have no sympathy for Mark Rober but I do have sympathy for all the working class people barely getting by that these class traitors put one step closer to destitution.

    I hope shit you can’t afford to replace gets stolen moving you one step closer to the line, and when it does, let’s see if you get a warm feeling because some thief got their nut that day. Or are you another champagne lib like Mark that can afford to be stolen from over and over?

  • That’s a tautological statement. We define words like sentient and sapient in terms of what we are.

    Saying “this lifeform that we can’t communicate with in any meaningful way (for these purposes) has emotional or cognitive experiences that we would recognize as meeting those definitions” isn’t falsifiable and therefore isn’t science.

    If at some point someone invents a human to mollusk translator so we can discuss our experiences, this topic can be revisited.

    Until then words like “may” and “possible” should be used.

  • Social security has been 10-15 years away from being insolvent for 80 years. It will always be 10-15 years away from being insolvent because of the way it’s calculated.

    When the CBO or whoever scores it they can predict certain things like the number of recipients, the size of their payments, and inflation. They aren’t allowed to take into account things that Congress may (but definitely will) do in the future, like raising the cap on social security taxes roughly with inflation. It went up from $160200 in 2023 to $168600 in 2024. This is a rare bipartisan, uncontroversial thing. Congress almost always follows the SSA recommendation exactly.

    It would be more accurate to say “if the social security cap stays at $168600 for 10 years, social security will be insolvent.”

    The people pushing this bullshit know it’s bullshit. They do it to make people think they’ll never get social security so they can get enough voters on board with killing it, like they’ve been trying to do for 88 years.

    Don’t fall for it.

  • Reference your questions about relative percentages of the population etc., I had a whole big ass post with references but I lost it. I’m not doing all that again so I’ll just give the main takeaways from memory and the history in my calculator so unfortunately my source is trust me bro.

    Two caveats: I’m using median ages of the cohorts, average could charge things (edit: see correction at end). Percentages are of total population including children (who generally have no wealth), not working age plus retired population.

    In 1990 the median boomer was 35, they represented 30.6% of the population and had 21.5% of the wealth.

    In 2022 the median millennial was 33.5, they represented 21.7% of the population and had 5.6% of the wealth.

    So boomers had 1.4x the share of the population but 3.8x the share of the wealth.

    Boomers in 1990 did have 1.5 more years to earn, save, and grow their wealth than millennials in 2022(maybe more or less if you use average age), but I don’t see how that alone makes the difference. For whatever combination of reasons, boomers had a much larger share of the wealth, relative to their population share, in their mid thirties than millennials do.

    Correction: 35 and 33.5 aren’t median ages, that’s just the age of the middle of the cohort. The point about using average (or even the real median) age for an apples-to-apples comparison stands, I just misused the word median.