Yeah, that sort of thinking is how they do things to boot. You aren’t going to come out on top as long as you are trying to play ball with the guy that broke into your house
Yeah, that sort of thinking is how they do things to boot. You aren’t going to come out on top as long as you are trying to play ball with the guy that broke into your house
I use Joplin. They have a sync server you can host for yourself.
Shocking…well, not that shocking. Unless you are the kind of rube that actually believes anything a guy like Trump says.
Best I remember from the doc I watched, TempleOS doesn’t even have a network stack.
Them stop talking Mark.
Amazes me that after the initial COVID response and just his entire public life, that anyone seems surprised that Trump is not the kind of person that should be making speeches about somber and serious subjects.
Let alone be in charge of the response to them, but that ship has sailed.
What, you mean the racist people aren’t doing a great job verifying which brown people they are supposed to be looking for, and are just grabbing anyone? Shocking…well not that shocking.
For me: Jellyfin, Audiobookshelf, Keepass, and Aegis
Technically even the time we did it only officially after the fascists declared war on us first. It was all lend lease, etc before that.
Makes me glad I continue to use the free Google and MS Office options and keep my cloud storage with a service that is dedicated to just storage.
Cuts down on all of the forced price increases due to the AI mess the MBAs need to justify the expense of.
I use 2 matching Synology NAS systems. 1 backs up to the other daily. Then one of them backs up to Synology C2 weekly.
I couldn’t care less about 8k since I can’t even see streaming 4k content without using a platform infested with DRM.
As with most things in the modern world that have gone to shit. It is not the monetization scheme in of itself that is the issue. It is the never ending desire for more profit this quarter than last forever.
If it was acceptable to stop trying to make even more once the cost to operate is covered and some healthy profit is made predictably then a lot less people would have issues. And enshitification would slow down.
I wish I could get found guilty and still be able to negotiate on equal footing with the prosecution about what my punishment was going to be.
I haven’t played it in awhile. But last time I did, it still seemed to be doing good on the custom maps I used to play. Like Helms Deep.
Making bail is the least of his concerns in there. He will be lucky if he doesn’t get “Epstein’d”.
Probably either Left4Dead 2 or the latest Hitman game
You mean a free extension that claims to give me discounts seemingly out of the goodness of their hearts that also has access to every website I go to in the browser where it is installed is not exactly on the level? I’m shocked…well…not that shocked.
Isn’t a single teacher or statement. But how I was generally treated by the institution.
I am somewhere on the spectrum and/or have some kind of learning disability that makes the formal learning environment very hard for me.
I was tested as a kid back in the 80’s, but they said I didn’t score bad enough to be diagnosed and that I was just slow essentially.
So the school system stuck me at a desk in the back corner of the classrooms with a divider between me and the the rest of the room and more or less treated me like a leper.
Whatever the official diagnosis, I ended up getting into computers and turns out I am really good at it. So now I make a six figure income doing something I am interested in.
The experience ingrained in me a deep hatred for formalized education, especially when it comes to my son (who is officially diagnosed as autistic). I have a very hard time taking anything my kids teachers say seriously and as anything more than the rantings of a narrow minded fool. Thankfully, my wife being the wonderful person that she is keeps me in check with that. And reminds me not to think my experience at my backwater school was the norm. And I think she has been right this far thankfully.
Anyway, thanks for coming to my Ted talk.