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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: May 29th, 2024

  • If the tank were made of a carbon fiber composite it would make it a little less scary. CF’s high strength and brittle failure mode mean that the tank would “open up” on a seam when ruptured, but would stay mostly intact. Additionally CF’s low density would mean that any small pieces of shrapnel that were created would have limited penetrating power and range.

    Still I’m not sure I would want to stand next to it. At 10,000 PSI a small hole (or opened valve) in such a tank would produce a gas stream with enough energy to seriously injure or kill you (leaks in 4000 PSI steam lines can cut your flesh and create gas pockets inside you). The entire tank letting go all at once would surely create a shockwave that would obliterate you.

  • Maybe their management shouldn’t be consolidated but their funding absolutely should be, into a single country-wide fund. The districts should then be paid an equal amount on a per-student basis.

    You might say that this doesn’t account for differences in the cost of living between different areas. I say that it’s all the better that it doesn’t, because if the funding is set such that it is sufficient to fund education in the most expensive areas (and it will be because these areas have the most political power), the relatively increased funding will allow the poorer areas to catch up.

  • The problem with that style of blocking is that it goes both ways.

    Someone can post ignorant shite and block anyone who would give them pushback, then when other people look at the comments they think “wow I guess everyone here just agrees with this”.

    I guess I’ve always viewed making a post as standing on a street corner and shouting, not meeting on the side of a street with a group of your friends.

    I guess it depends on if you view “subreddits” as communities, that is groups of people that you choose to associate with if you post there, or if you view them as topics that you want your post tagged as. A lot of social media sites take the latter approach, but reddit used to take the former, as did old style forums. It might just be from me spending more time on those kinds of platforms, but I do think the “community” approach is better.

  • If you want to dual boot I suggest getting a second hard drive (a little SSD maybe) and installing Linux on that. Then you can select what OS to boot through the BIOS

    It’ll be way easier and less risky than trying to install Linux alongside windows on the same hard drive, and it’ll also stop windows from screwing with the bootloader when it updates.

  • Man I am so tired of the endless parade of articles with the premise “How could conservatives possibly think this?? Surely if we just take the time to carefully understand their reasoning we can blah blah blah…”

    Here I’ll answer the the “why” right now:
    A) Most US conservatives live in suburbs and rural areas and generally hate and fear inner cities and the people who live there. They also generally hate and fear environmentalism. They also greatly resent the idea that the USA isn’t the best country on earth at literally everything. They’re also violently homophobic and have such deeply toxic ideas of masculinity that they consider it to be weak and “gay” to drive a smaller vehicle.

    So when an urbanism advocate says they want people to give up their lifted truck to live in a city and ride a bicycle so the US can be more like Europe and East Asia to help the environment how in the world do you expect them to react in any other way?

    B) This is a population that’s addicted to hate, fear and opposition like a drug, and conservative politicians and news orgs are the dealers. They need to periodically find something new to tantrum about. If there is no reason to hate something then a reason will be created. This was the case with LED lightbulbs, with COVID, with Romneycare, and so on and on and on. The 15 minute city conspiracy theories are not some sort of new unprecedented pattern of behavior.