I have all of that, too, but I just do paper taxes because I’m old and too lazy to figure out how to do anything else.
I have all of that, too, but I just do paper taxes because I’m old and too lazy to figure out how to do anything else.
If you don’t have capital gains taxes or deferred tax deductions, doing your taxes is really easy.
That said, this is a way to stop providing free services that private companies want to get paid to do. HR Block makes billions from people who are either too lazy or too bad at math to do simple stuff. Real accountants earn their living on complicated taxes, but millions of Americans can do a 1040 EZ, which takes about 5 minutes to fill out.
The statistics show that even though 70% of Americans are eligible to file for free with the IRS tools, only 3% actually use that tool to file for free. So I’m not sure how much business is even being lost here.
And those voters would still vote for Trump. They will claim their hardships weren’t due to Canada’s tariffs but due to California having too high of taxes and not giving them enough water.
They released info to shareholders last week that showed an 8% drop in year over year sales… and yet the stock went up. Maybe people expected the drop to be even higher, so the drop was already priced in?? But it just feels like there is market manipulation going on.
The people in the blue states already do speak up and rally against Trump. It hasn’t helped in the past and won’t help in the future, partly because they don’t have any power under the Electoral College, partly because it makes Trump voters double down, and partly because red states see it as a good thing to be doing something that makes blue states angry. They will happily harm themselves if it also harms liberals.
Your last point is true, though. There are more Trump voters in CA than there are in some large number of red states combined.
And don’t you dare jerk off while out backpacking.
Congrats! We’re not dual citizens, so it’ll be tougher for us; but we are looking at ways to possibly move there or France.
That priest needs a swift boot to the head.
Did you finally make the big move? I know you weren’t sure about being able to afford it.
Can you imagine how things would go down if you did get donny on a boat and it capsizes in cold, flowing water?
Better than how things are going down now.
That sounds high.
You might not have read what I said correctly.
How Trump talks about the tragedy is the distraction. What actually goes on behind the scenes is a whole other issue. In this case, I don’t know if the FAA will actually do anything differently based on what Trump says. Or they might, I don’t know.
Regardless of how OpenAI procured their data, I’m absolutely shocked that a company from China would obtain data unauthorized from a company in another country.
In Los Angeles restaurants are still closing regularly
Are you aware that Nazis targeted more than just Jewish people? They rounded up and killed gay people, Romanis, Slavs, and anyone else who wasn’t part of their chosen in-group.
So to answer your question: Nazis are most famous for rounding up and killing millions of people whom the Nazis felt were subhuman. They were famous for working to create an ethno-state.
I don’t think tigers typically care about protests.
"and we will give you among the lowest taxes of any nation on earth,”
Ummm, I’m pretty sure most manufacturers care way more about wages than taxes. Taxes are important in white collar businesses or between areas with similar wages. But the wages of a US factory worker are much higher than a worker in China. They are likely higher than in EU, too, though maybe not by as much.
Is the plan to bring low-wage jobs to the US? Or is the plan to pay higher wages for the same job and pass the cost to the consumer? Or is the plan to add tariffs that get passed on to the consumer? Because I’m not really seeing how this helps anyone.
Alternative headline: Netanyahu waited until Trump was president before agreeing to a cease fire.
They make very good donuts, too.