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Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • The end of the article is great:

    For his part, Mr. Raskin has tried to come up with creative ways to invoke Mr. Trumpā€™s criminal cases without running afoul of the ruling.

    During a recent floor speech, he made reference to an ā€œunmentionable American felon, one of 19 million in the countryā€ and an ā€œunrepentant and anonymous convicted felon from New Yorkā€ without mentioning the former president by name. He referred to Mr. Trumpā€™s hush-money case as ā€œthe trial whose very existence must be sent down the Orwellian memory hole to save someoneā€™s hurt feelings.ā€

    In the interview, he noted that no rule could erase the facts of Mr. Trumpā€™s status as a felon.

    ā€œIā€™m afraid the Republicans have now invited a contest for how creative we can be in talking about Donald Trumpā€™s criminal convictions without explicitly stating those words,ā€ Mr. Raskin said.

  • Website trying to get me to set up an account to read?

    Roger Stone Caught on Tape Discussing Trumpā€™s Plan to Challenge 2024 Election Roger Stone, a longtime Republican operative who served as an adviser to Donald Trump, was secretly recorded at Mar-a-Lago spilling the beans on the former presidentā€™s strategy to challenge the results of the 2024 election should he lose again.

    The self-described ā€œdirty tricksterā€ of right-wing politics unknowingly divulged the plan to liberal reporters Lauren Windsor and Ally Sammarco, who posed as Trump fans and covertly videotaped him at a ā€œCatholics Prayer for Trumpā€ event on March 19. The recordings were first reported by Rolling Stone.

    The remarkably candid conversation is just the latest released by Windsor and her left-leaning sting group, The Undercurrent, in recent weeksā€”and comes on the heels of headline-grabbing tapes that captured both Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito and his wife, Martha-Ann Alito, weighing in on a number of hot button culture war issues facing the court and the country.

    Stone, who was a key figure in Trumpā€™s ā€œStop the Stealā€ efforts following the 2020 election, characterized his plan to challenge election results in 2024 with three pillars: ā€œLawyers, judges, technology.ā€ He also bragged that the Trump campaign occupied strong ā€œoffensive footingā€ this time around.

    ā€œIn some states, itā€™ll be easier to stop. In other places it wonā€™t,ā€ Stone told Sammarco. ā€œAt least this time when they do it, you have a lawyer and a judge, his home phone number standing by so you can stop it,ā€ apparently referring to the certification of 2024 results.

    ā€œWe made no preparations last time, none,ā€ he added.

    Stone also tacitly endorsed storming the Capitol building after Sammarco told him she was at the insurrection.

    ā€œThat may not be necessary,ā€ Stone continued. ā€œThere are technical, legal steps we have to take to try to have a more honest election.ā€

    Stone noted during the conversation that the Trump campaign is attempting to change state voting laws and plans to immediately file a number of lawsuits seeking to change the results should the former president lose again, as Trump allies did in Michigan and several other states in 2020.

    ā€œWe should be suing in a half a dozen places,ā€ Stone said of the Michigan lawsuit, adding that the RNCā€™s war chest would be tapped to fund the various lawsuits.

    The Trump campaign launched 62 lawsuits contesting the results of the election across the country in 2020. However, most were quickly dismissed or dropped due to a lack of standing or evidence, according to Bloomberg Law.

    Stone told Windsor that the Trump campaign even has governors who are ready to contest this Novemberā€™s election resultsā€”though he qualified, candidly, that there ā€œarenā€™t manyā€ willing to put their reputation on the line in service of the former president.

  • Iā€™m gonna hard disagree. I vote for the Democratic Party because they champion the values of most Americans. Do I wish Bernie or Elizabeth Warren had won the 2020 primary? Of course. Not all dems will fight as hard for the same issues.

    If youā€™re trying to contrast Bidenā€™s campaign trail with Trumpā€™s, just remember the guy is also busy being president. And Trump does a million rallies not because he loves the common man, but because otherwise people will be left to, I dunno, read his policies? The entertainment keeps the mob ignorant and sated.