• 44 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Arrogance. They’re attitude is basically “we built it, so it’s golden. If you can’t understand why we did it this way, then put the device down and flip burgers”.

    I saw this starting around the year 2005. I spoke out about it and told people stop buying /using products that aren’t logical and easy to use. If it takes a Google search and a YouTube video to figure out how to use it, then it was built wrong. Return the product and get a better one. No one listened to me. We have what we have.

    It sucks and it will only get worse. People will not change. People will keep buying shit products, then bitch that the products suck. Instead of returning the crap, they will keep it. Because they keep it the companies have zero reason to change.

  • While I understand your thought process, that in some way, people who actually destroy priceless works of arts and or historical sites. I understand your desire to beat the shit out of them…. OK, that wasn’t worded quite as well as I planned, but I think you get the idea. I understand somewhat of where you’re coming from, what I would ask for you to do is to read the article and just look more carefully because they didn’t destroy anything. The painting is covered by glass. they made a mess. Yes, probably destroyed part of the wall and may have stained it, which is obviously destruction. I will admit that. But the painting itself was unaffected. It’s covered completely. The protesters knew that before they ever threw anything at it.

    There was no actual destruction of the painting there.

    I do still understand where you’re coming from that people who do destroy priceless works of art, I do understand where you’re coming from, on wanting to beat the crap out of them.

    And I’m rereading what I just typed throughout this and damn my ability to type and speak coherently sucks today. Guess it’s just one of those days for me.

  • If I were still dating (I’m not) but one of the things I find out early on is: would they be for or against marriage/relationship counseling?

    If they respond with they would never agree to see one, I end the relationship very fast. I won’t waste my time with someone that will never look to fix things.

    Many times you can fix a relationship by simply talking, but sometimes it requires a professional.

    My viewpoint is in every other walk life we are willing to ask for help. Baseball, football, business, repair of your car, repair of your phone or your computer. Something is wrong with not afraid to walk to a professional and say I need help. For some reason, what comes to our relationships we just won’t ask. Even if the other half of the relationship is saying we need help, there’s way too many people will say no I’ll never enter that room.

    To me, that’s just a person who doesn’t want to work at the Relationship. I won’t waste my time. But as I said, I don’t date anymore. I won’t date, but when I did date, that was one of the things I looked at.