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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2023

  • There is a difference between just giving birth and actual raising children. Between birth parents, adopted parents… There a plenty scenarios that exist: parents diying, family torn apart by war, parents becoming addicted. The queer community has a strong connection to found family. And of course all the people that never want and never will have children.

    There are a lot of things in this world that could be much, much better right now. But the question, if life itself has a meaning is old as civilisation. But that’s a thing noone can really answer. shouldn’t we ask ourself what could we do to create a world where we all can live in? Where we all can participate, been heared and seen?

    I think giving birth is not the problem, but billionars and companies destroying our World and our lives since decades. And no one seem to make them responsibil for it.

    When climate change hits us, there is a big chance that rich people will survive and will try to form a world as they please. They could erase feminism, queer folk, the diversity of culture, democraty. They will erase the fact that they destoried our world. So the humans that remain will be like slaves to them.

  • To have children or not is a deeply personal choice ☺️

    And also personal is the search for meaning in ones own existence. While searching we create: life, art, relationships, meaning. Memes. I think life becomes a burden, when external factors keep you from creating the meaning that you care for.

    But speaking as a historian: we put a lot of presure on parents over the last decades. And the same presure on kids. It is relateable that having children or just excisting has become so… whats a fitting english word?.. not desireable?

  • I agree with you.

    I think argueing if adhd might be over or under diagnosed makes adulds feel even more ashamed.

    I also don’t like blaming self diagnosis. Women having a hard time finding professionell help, cause they never fit into stereotypical adhd behaivor. They seen as overreacting and emotional.

  • I am agreeing with you. I use TS or discord for years for ttrogs, but always had the problem, that my high voice is cut of by the programms. It’s frustrating to figure out how to change that and finding a solution that sounds nice.

    As always: if men would have these problems, it would be fixed in a short time.

    I was always ashamed of my voice and thought i could not create potcasts, Videos or everything else voice based. I thought noone would like my voice. One day a stranger came up to me and told me i sound like daisy duck, while talking to a friend… 😒

  • I might understand how you feel. Opening up is a good first step. But after that? I don’t know. What steps to take and how long your path will be… no one knows.

    Whenever anxiety tries to take controll of me… whenever i am angry at my own progress, i think about a little story:

    A man takes a morning-walk on the beach. During the night there was a terrible storm, spreading tousands of seastars over the sand. He sees a woman trying to bring the seastars back to the water.

    He walk up to her and asks: “why are you even doing this? You will just save a few, but the majority will die when the sun rises.”

    She bend down to pick one seastar up and throws it into the ocean. “Maybe. But this one i have saved.”

    Changing is hard and often feels pointless. The only thing we can do is doing things step by step.

  • Same with my younger sibling. It was very obvios early in their life, but we didn’t had words for it either. Didn’t understand and didn’t took it that serious.

    I had my period with 11 years, but suffered till i was 30. Cause it was a tabu to talk about that. I need to Suffer, i was told. BS.

    It is crucial to give kids knowledge that they are not wrong. That they are not weird. That they know everything is okay and their parents are here guiding them. AND they need to know that other people are not weird so they can learn empathy.

  • Thank you 🥰

    When it comes to japanese food, Düsseldorf is really great. Cause i studied there i know some good Restaurants and supermarkets 😆 but i take recomondations all around nrw.

    i really want to taste spicy indian food or try other asian food, that is not so common here 🤔

    My best friend visited south korea a few years ago. She never liked spicy food, but said it was so good there, she now likes this stuff.

  • Sorry but it was never about OUR abilility in the firts place.

    In my country exams are old, outdated and often way to hard. In my country all classes are outdated and way to hard. It often feels that we are stucked in the middle of the 20th century.

    You have no change when you have a disability. When you have kids, parents to take care of. Or hell: you have to work, cause you can’t effort university otherwise.

    So i can totaly understand why students feel the need to use AI to survive that torture. I don’t feel sorry for an outdated university system.

    When it is about OUR abilility, then create a System that is for students and their needs.