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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2024


  • Not even kidding, about a year and a half ago, I took a job in a different department at work, and within 10 minutes, the guy that I was training with, had said 3 offensive slurs within the first 10 minutes of meeting the guy. Like dude, I could go to HR right now and you’d be gone in another 10 minutes. Wtf? In 2023? I mean, the guy was 71 years old, so I kinda gave him a pass on doing that, which kinda gives me the ick, but still. I didn’t turn him in because they basically built the building around where this guy happened to be standing and got offered the job the day it opened up. Another guy, whose only 38 and should know better though actually did get a 30 day suspension for repeated racist remarks. He’s actually a smart guy but he’s been mislead. Not a very nice guy, but smart.

  • I’ve been accused of being everything; from an autocrat to a commie, left wing to right wing, liberal to conservative, bigot to bleeding heart, I’ve been called snowflake by both sides. People are fucking crazy and have even crazier ideas. It all just depends on the specific crazy that belongs to the person you’re talking to atm. I’m pretty far left, but there’s people left of me that think I’m basically Nicki Haley.

  • leans on podium “hey buddy, what are you doing after this?”

    Waltz: “going to pick up my wife and go for a nice drive, you?”

    RFK: “So I’m hearin ‘nothin’. How bout we find some dead animals and relocate them to other places, with oft-stolen items? If I can find a cat, I’m gonna put it by the library with a rolled up $20.”

    Waltz: “Why does it have to be rolled up?”

    RFK: “that’s… look man, that’s just how it already is right now, alright? That’s how the bank lady gave it to me, or whatever. Anyways, if we find a squirrel, I’m putting it at an elementary school with a gun, some drugs and a flamingo lawn ornament.”

    Waltz: “and this is a hobby of yours?”

    RFK: incoherent screaming