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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I wish they had left the 32nd century as a “Discovery - only”. After the jump to the future it felt like the show had no stakes. Everything felt disconnected.

    It feels like an easy excuse for the writers to pull just about anything out of their asses, “because it has been so long” and “tech has evolved exponentially”.

    SNW proved that there was a lot more to explore even in the 23rd century. So much could have been done with the fallout of the Dominion War in the 24th.

    But it’s all up to the writers. If they’re good the show can be good.

  • Lorindól@sopuli.xyztoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldYes, yes we do.
    1 month ago

    This, definitely.

    We got to live our teens and twenties without smartphones and social media - and it was so awesome.

    You did something incredibly embarassing last weekend when you were drunk? No need to worry about photos or videos online and nobody would remember or care a few weeks later.

    You date someone a few times and things don’t match up? You move on, no need to worry about them stalking or badmouthing you online.

    The world seemed to be on a course for the better and the dumbass populist movements were marginal in most countries. Future looked bright and it was easy to be carefree. We got to enjoy our youths.

    There were no short or vertical videos. You had to read vast majority of the information available, which made you actually process the info. And someone had put in the effort to write the stuff coherently, because no-one would read the kind of crap that video bloggers are spewing out of their mouths.

    By the time we started working, the economic situation was mostly stable and getting a loan for a house or an apartment was pretty much guaranteed.

    And so much more. I count myself extremely lucky to have been born in the late 70’s.

  • Leaf blowers in small yards are pointless, agreed. I would never use one in the suburbs.

    But I do own one and I use it at my family’s farm, for one day every autumn. It would take 3-4 days just to rake the leaves, with the blower I can easily create large piles here and there. Then I gather all the piles and take them to my leaf compost heap.

    Before the blower this used to take a full week. Now I can clear all the lawns in just two days.

  • Finnish legislation strictly forbids storing nukes inside our borders, even transporting them via our territory is a no-no. But laws can be changed.

    Putin’s whining about nuking Finland is ridiculous. Most of the time the prevailing winds here blow to the general eastern direction, detonating a nuke or few above our capital would nicely contaminate both St.Petersburg and the Finnish Gulf right in front of it. And using tactical/strategic nukes against our defences would happen near the Karelian border, which would irradiate Putin’s and his cronies precious dachas located in the stolen Karelia.

    So they most likely won’t be doing that. But on the other hand Russia has clearly demonstrated that their actions are not based on rational thinking, so it remains to be seen.

  • Yes and no.

    Those of us who have always seen them as desperately needed guardians of workers’ rights have been proven to be right, but the masses who have bought the right wing lies see the unions as just standing in the way of economic growth. The corporate owned media spews these lies non-stop, so the uninformed may easily fall for them.

    The proposed shittification of working conditions is on an unprecedented level. One would have to be a fool to think this would serve any workers, it is all just to give more power to the employers and severely limit the worker’s right to protest.

    Our country used to stand out in working together to find a common ground and compromises in difficult political questions. Now the country has become more and more divided into left and right. And compromises are off the table, the corporate-backed right is going for a crushing victory which would poison the political field for who knows how long.

    This future looks bleak.

  • Our unions have been losing members steadily over the years, the younger people don’t anymore see the advantages that the membership brings. The corporations have been publicly defaming the unions for a long time, blaming them for serving only the union leaders. And since the unions had already fought and won most of the important rights for the workers decades ago, it looked like the unions had made themselves obsolete.

    The corporations also founded a “general unemployment fund”, so that you could get the same unemployment advantages without joining a union and paying for the membership. This fund has been gaining more and more members since many of the younger people don’t see the the value of joining the unions, believing the ongoing discredit campaign of the right wing lobby.

    The current goverment coalition is just about the only one bold enough to try run this legislation through. The prime minister party “Kokoomus” will do anything the corporate lobby desires, the “Finns Party” is a power drunk protest coalition with a primary objective of keeping immigrants out - and if possible, sending the ones already here away. They’ll agree to anything if they can just keep the borders closed and “owning the libs”, even if this means fucking up their own voters’ interests. The Swedish Party will agree to almost anything if they can keep the mandatory Swedish language in the national curriculum. And the Christian Party just want to keep religion in schools and oppose anything even remotely liberal, anything else goes for them.

  • My older daughter looked exactly the like her mother at the same age when she was 3-6 years old. When I compare their childhood photos it would be hard to tell which is which, if not for the hideous fashion of the 80’s being a a clear tell for mother.

    After the age of 7 my daughter quickly grew into her own look, but when she makes certain faces the resemblance is still striking.