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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023


  • LaLuzDelSol@lemmy.worldtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldBig Bad Wolf Thought
    22 days ago

    No it’s still definitely violence. Like, day to day, you try to use violence as little as possible but it is necessary for the laws of society to be backed by violence or people would ignore them. “Violence” doesn’t have to refer to killing people, it means the use of force against somebody without their consent (killing them, arresting them, or evicting/exiling them).

    The state we have right now in America and most of Europe is a community that decides how it wants to be policed (i.e. a democracy). Different jurisdictions make different policing decisions and have different outcomes, but they all follow that structure.

    The point I was making was that any attempt by anarchists to “overthrow the state” is silly because the “state” will return in a new form as power reconsolidates. If you consider a recognized federal or state government to be a “state” but an armed “anarchist” militia that runs a city to not be a state, that’s just a silly semantic argument.

  • LaLuzDelSol@lemmy.worldtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldBig Bad Wolf Thought
    24 days ago

    Yeah, down with the violence of the state! Although, to prevent bad actors and armed gangs we do need to have some sort of militia to protect the vulnerable from the greedy and cruel, human nature being what it is. And to prevent said militia from turning into the very thing it was supposed to protect us from, we need some sort of oversight, preferably from a democratically elected body, that tells the militia how to act and prevent them from violating the rights of the people. Oh wait I just reinvented violence of the state hehe.

    People in Somalia hearing that America has a 1.8% homelessness rate: “wow. Things are really just as bad over there.”

  • Eh? You know all Hamas has been doing for the past decade is yeeting unguided missiles at Israel. Sometimes they land in Gaza and kill Palestinians, most of them get intercepted, occasionally one makes it through and lands on a random building. That is the definition of an indiscriminate terrorist attack. It serves no military purpose whatsoever. If Hamas had the firepower they would kill every last Jewish person in Israel.