Kumikommunism [they/them]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 28th, 2020


  • My first reaction on seeing the title was to name a games that just have fun core mechanics where replaying the game is basically just doing more of the same fun thing, so ULTRAKILL means I’m on the right track.
    Prodeus is a pretty good doom clone. Not as in-depth as ULTRAKILL, but nonetheless has fun weapons and your basic doom (eternal) movement/mechanics. Blasting your way through enemies is as fun on the first level as the last. And the Quake games hold up extremely well, and the mechanics are so simple and powerful that you can really have fun replaying and getting better.
    Stealth games are also very fun for this. The Splinter Cell series (especially Chaos Theory) are very fun to try to perfect/improve on. Dishonored and Thief as others have mentioned. And Midnight Club is the best racing series for this. You’ll have to emulate it, but it’s worth it. Completely open-world, and learning the city layout over time is very satisfying.

  • Random pen question I’ve been thinking about: how do you respond to this? I have responded in two separate ways:

    1. No ethnostate has a right to exist. (Blah blah blah, Nazi Germany, one’s rights end where others’ begin, you get the picture)
    2. No state has the “right to exist”. States don’t really have rights, countries come and go through war or other causes. A war, or subsequent annexation, is not stopped because of some “right” of the losing country to exist.

    Both of these ended in the other person not really saying much of anything, seemingly because they didn’t have a response. Is there something better I’m missing?

  • individuals who already have questionable allegiance to the US

    He’s protecting US global financial interests. How is his allegiance any less than any other senator? Substantiate this.

    Just keep in mind the Ukrainians still want to fight.

    Americans still wanted to fight at the end of the Vietnam war. I can show you many statements. The question is which Ukrainians. Substantiate this.

    It’s not like the US are the ones trying to kill the Ukrainian president to get their way.

    The US has tried to assassinate foreign leaders for political convenience 100s of times over the past 100 years. The US is morally inferior to Russia, which is already incredibly morally corrupt.