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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 14th, 2023

  • and will only serve to further empower the coalition rising up to defend themselves from western terrorism and exploitation.

    As of now a lot of the world population still buys the idea that the US/west are good and things like that. Even with what is happening in Palestine that hasn’t drastically changed yet. But as you say, each country they bomb is a new country that gets to see the US for what they are, and the same would be somewhat true for the neighbours of these countries and the rest of the world, and who knows, they might be one country being bombed by them away from this mass reaching a critical mass.

    For example, if Niger gets bombed by them then Niger’s neighbours at first and then the rest of Africa might come to better understand the situation and try to help Niger as they can and that would likely reverbarate globally, through images and impacts to the global economy, pushing more and more to the same anti-imperialist side.

  • He does at least have some policies to help poor people but he has been giving a lot of concessions to capital indeed. Not that it’s easy to go against them considering we have the most right leaning congress ever, but he could at least try to get people on the streets in support of good policies and see what can be done but he hasn’t done anything of the like.

    I hope I can vote for him in the second round next election though because I really doubt there will be anyone even remotelly close to be as good as him. lol

  • Does anyone know how much nuclear infrastructure is in there?

    In case they secesseed they may not be able to take the nukes or they might have to give them later, but even if they keep them it might not be easy to take control of them unless they already have some infrastucture to do it. Although, if things get violent in a possible secessionist scenario, there would also be a possibility that such infrustructure or the nukes themselves get bombed before they can be used.

    Either way, hope they actually try to get out.

  • Exploitation will increase with workers rights likely being eroded.

    Prices are going to increase, both due to less cheap resources and deindustrialization. Perhaps even with some companies moving to poorer countries where such industries might be in demand and also as a means to avoid potential sanctions/trying to get into better trading regions.

    Massive quality of life will see people moving out, with the difference to the periphery being that many who migrated there might return to their countries.

    Sanctions and might be used against the imperial core.

    Interferences and coups will also lilkely begin happening as well, both from outsiders as well as the better off imperial core countries trying to assert themselves over their neighbours.

    Wars are a possibility as well.

    And so on.

  • I disagree a little with the 5 years part as I can see a small chance of “a collapse” happening within that time, but as for the 30 years part it seems possible too.

    As they have to steal ever more from their own populations and can steal less from the Global South they will become weaker and fractured, and if, for example, this happens in some parts before others it can lead to fascism in some countries in Europe which might see their neighbors in better shape as enemies, potentially leading to western infighting and an acceleration of their own collapse.

    Hopefully such a scenario the conflicts stay internal instead of going global and they only weaken themselves while the rest of the world prosper. And in such a scenario we could even see Global Sout countries with enough power to massively influence western countries perhaps even leading to imperialism against them as the Global South is unlikely to go communist so fast.

    Other scenarios might be more plausible though…

  • The Journal says the cause for delay involves a temperature-regulating part called a heat exchanger. Boeing had been getting them from a supplier in Russia, but when that country launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine and trade restrictions were put in place against Russian goods, Boeing started getting them from British and American suppliers. But they haven’t been able to make as many. The heat exchanger is one of “a few key parts” that Boeing has told staff is behind a 787 slowdown in a memo last week. Combined, the 787 and the also-delayed 737 Max make up 98% of the planemaker’s current order backlog.

    Hopefully it gets worse.