Juice [none/use name]

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: May 27th, 2022


  • Wrt feeling pain, where is the pain? Is it in your hand holding the utensil, or in your head, or all over? I don’t think it is extremely commonplace to feel pain when putting a spoon into something soft, but various sensory experiences, even pretty benign ones can be overwhelming. You might have a sensual aversion to it, or there might be a trauma that crops up related somehow to the experience. If you experience neurons diversity, we can have any number of acute reactions to sensory inputs. I definitely feel a physical sensation like pain brought about by acute anxiety, and I’ve heard others do as well.

  • How is the Cradle as far as good quality left journos go? I’ve been collecting receipts on most of the articles mentioned here so its not a matter of whether I believe this article, I’d pieced it together (although I’m looking forward to translating the article that demonstrates that the Hannibal protocol was officially ordered; the last I read was Al Jazeera speculating that maybe it was but it hadn’t been official policy in a long time,) but I’m just a guy who does political organizing and the last thing I feel like dealing with is someone motivated by me confronting them with this article due to their past comments, or even well-meaning but muddle headed comrades, throwing it back at me that its a bad source periodical, and showing some goofy article about time travel or something

  • Its probably like it is in other places, there are more or less historically accurate “left” views that go unreported, completely bias mass media pushing the imperialist line, and popular media that appeals to petite bourg and aspirational, effite workers that pushes a propagandized version of history that is somewhere in the middle.

    I forget where I heard/read it, so idk sources, but like Yeonmi Park is on a South Korean reality show akin to “real housewives” drivel. And as we know when she comes here she feeds the pigs, “we had to eat rats and dirt,” but on the reality show she is like, “The communists took away my family’s rental properties” which is probably true. They can’t pull the same ridiculous bullshit there, because most people have lived experiences that would contradict her lies. So they tell like a very varnished and bias version of the truth, to people who (for example) would be very upset at the prospect of losing rental income or even like a small business or something. To the oppressor, that is those who benefit from oppression and colonization, making things fair and equal is, to them, the same as being oppressed.

  • I’m all about holding elected officials responsible, but this goes too far. Joe Biden is pictured with the Bloodletter weapon from Bloodborne, which is a str/bloodtinge weapon, when Biden has always been a quality build. That means he would be holding Ludwig’s Holy Blade, the only true quality weapon in the game.

    The left needs to stop promoting false narratives and start dealing with facts before making baseless propaganda, or regular people will never take us seriously