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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023

  • I think you put it quite well, and did so in a respectful way.

    The way I put it is to the effect of who’s “rights” are more important - the one who identified as a girl, or the entire team who is?

    I’ve been hauled over the coals in here and reddit because I believe we need to take a step back and consider if we allow it, and when we do (because we should) how can we do so in a fair way? We had this issue back with the LGBTQ rights, and before then with racial integration, and women integration, and looking back they were and should have always been clear cut “yes”. The issue with this one is that its not just the individual freedom to play, but what advantages would they have above the other players and their freedom to play in a fair competition? Does what I feel and think I am, and the right to do so, overrule what you are?

  • Depends on your defined of terrorism, and what these actions are.

    The usual one i see is to the effect of “non state actor using violence against a civilization population to further political objectives”. By that one:

    • no, Israel is a state

    • violence, yes.

    • civilian population is a maybe, depending on your definition of Hezbollah actions and position. Are they civilians, combatants, terrorists themselves?

    • further political objectives is likely, however I don’t see what the objective is. Kill people we don’t like is murder, not terrorism.

    Of note, if its not a terrorist act it could very well be an act of war, invoking the right of self defense (Art 30???). If so, and civilian casualties weren’t minimized its leading towards war crime territory. I wouldn’t say it was - small explosive, on an object usually carried by the target, which was unlikely to be used by civilians.

    Israel could use the same article to call this attack self defense against actions already taken. You can look at gulf War for the whole discussion around preemptive strikes for self defense.

    Personally, I say no. Same way Chinese vessels “only” ramming and using waterguns on Philippine vessels isn’t terrorism.