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Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • And you know, in a way it goes even deeper, because for her parents, at least half of their life and frame of reference took place in the 1800’s. When she was born, 10 year olds would have their earliest memories be of the late 1890s. And the adults around her would be able to vividly remember and discuss events they were present for way back in to the 1850s or even earlier, depending on how much contact she had with old people.

    Also, I’m in my late 20s now, and I recently had the startling realization that the old people I remember from my childhood don’t really exist anymore. When I was a kid, old people used to be prim and proper. They dressed a certain way, much more formal and traditional. They weren’t all uptight, but they had an idea of what’s proper or not, and wouldn’t be afraid to tell you. They were typically more quiet and less outspoken. All the women knew how to cook and sew, and all the men knew how to do woodwork and make leather shoes shine forever.

    I had this realization the other day walking through my city, when I suddenly noticed how all the old people don’t seem that old anymore. They’re all relaxed and casual, dressing up in colors. They actually smile at you on the street and seem to have a sense of humor. And then it hit me: they’re not even the same generation. Old people are the kids of the old people I remember. They grew up with the early prototype of modern rock and pop. They were hippies and greasers. I think the end of WWII and the invention of modern pop culture reaching out beyond the cities really made a cut down between those two generations, the current old people and their parents.

    This comment ran longer than expected. Thanks for coming to my ted Talk.

  • GoosLife@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldHe do
    8 days ago

    It is a pain in the ass. It’s about being able to pay to solve a problem you didn’t have before, but created for yourself by spending more money than you ever had to in the first place. “I’m so rich, I pay more than you make your entire life, in order to have a house so ridiculously big, that I have to pay even more money on a monthly basis, in order to even keep this shit running”. That’s really what it is.

    I mean, I know well-off people that have indoor gyms, spas and recording studios in their home. Or big play rooms for the kids that’s literally just a huge room full of toys. So to an extent, I get what having extra space can mean. But then you realize that those houses are tiny specks of dust compared to the gargantuan Hollywood monstrosities.

    I mean, we are elbow deep in homeless people, and regular folks struggling to pay rent, so I’m really not sure why everyone thinks Johnny Silvertongue needs 82 bathrooms for his family of 3, even if he did star in a recent blockbuster. Maybe some of that real estate should be redistributed.

  • They’re not meant to be used to change prices on the fly. The 10 minute window is literally just so you can fix mistakes like typos, in case it says 179.9 when you meant to put 17.99. Like when a customer comes in, and says “the advertising said this is supposed to be $5 this weekend, but the price tag still says its $8, what gives?” Then you can go to the back, change the price to $5, and it will update all the tags for this item on the fly. There is no limitation stating you need to wait 24 hours or however long you think would be fair. You can also use it to schedule sales that start at a specific time of day, fx food items that are made to be consumed on the same day might get cheaper near closing time.

    Price gouging is still price gouging, and generally, at least where im from, there is a legal obligation that the customer can rely on the listed price at the time they pick up the item. I can’t imagine it’s that much different in the us?

    Source: l literally used to program the software that’s used for these things

  • I was in a queue two days ago for tickets to a show. Of course, I got kicked out of the queue twice, and then lost my chance to get a ticket at all. When I wrote their support about it, they said they hadn’t anticipated this amount of traffic and it had crashed their servers.

    On a pre-sale that you had to sign up for.

    You know, so they will know how many people they can expect.

    Something that Ticketmaster routinely does, giving them exclusive access to the numbers, telling them exactly how much traffic they can expect.

    A slightly more cynical person might say that maybe, just maybe, the only goal Ticketmaster has is to spend the bare minimum to keep their website afloat, so they can pocket the rest. They don’t give a fuck about anyone or anything except their own profits. If this criminal organization would go down in flames tomorrow, I would buy pizza for everyone on my floor to celebrate.

    Honestly, I’m just surprised that they’re still allowed to exist in Europe.

  • Ah, I see. So you grew content with who you are, and now you have no motivation to improve yourself to your personal ambitions. That’s an angle I hadn’t considered. Well, in that case, get off your ass and get shit done! Just DO IT! :D I don’t know if that helps, but I know discipline and motivation is something a lot of people struggle with, who eventually figure it out.

    If it seems completely hopeless and nothing works, have you considered talking to your doctor? Because there are after all some pretty big motivation eaters in undiagnosed ADHD or depression, etc.

  • That sounds less like validation, and more like praise. Validation comes without expectations. You are valued. Your existence matters. You are okay, and we like you. Its nice to have you around. You cannot fail to live up to this; its an intrinsic value you have (perhaps up to the point where your crimes exceed in to the unforgivable, but for the sake of argument, I’ll just assume you’re not a serial killer or whatever).