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Joined 7 days ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2024


  • It’s really incredible how they can’t see that they are behaving exactly like trump supporters do - refusing to hear any criticism of their leader, however legitimate, and framing it as “fake news” and those who point it out as traitors and enemies, being willing to ignore any and all bad policy, political or personal record to “own” the other guy (and no, voting for Biden isn’t stopping fascism), being blindly loyal to someone who clearly has no loyalty to them or interest in their wellbeing.

    It’s literally the same cult-like behaviour, and the only people it serves are the cult leaders (and those behind the curtain funding them to make sure their system continues to chug along uninterrupted).

    If only they were able to be as loyal to their own interests as they are to team red or blue, the working class might actually have a chance at breaking free from this circus that exists solely to placate and distract us from what the owning class are getting away with.

  • Yup, but people don’t want to hear it, they want to pat themselves on the back for “doing their part” and move on with their lives without ever having to stop to consider what they’re actually endorsing and what part they are playing in this charade designed to keep us forever subservient to the owning class.

  • DessertStorms@lemmy.blahaj.zonetoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldAh shit
    7 hours ago

    Supermajority begins the process of dragging the overton window back left

    Literally the opposite.

    Normalising the current Labour party as anything even remotely left, which it isn’t in any way shape or form, shifts the window to the right by removing actual left from the map altogether. That’s the whole point of Starmer - to regain back ground for the right after what Corbyn awoke in the party and country.

    We are getting a Tory whoever wins, they just wear different coloured ties.

  • it’s just a temporary setback.

    Barely even that, the man is the establishment, and has proven time and time again that he isn’t interested in the working class and other marginalised people. If anything, he’s there to keep things the same so that in the next cycle of this sham theatre the Tories can point to the lack of improvement as Labour failing and get right back in to power again.

    The system is designed to self preserve, this isn’t a bug, it’s a feature, and as long as people keep playing along and pinning their hopes on the establishment reforming itself, we’re going to continue our rapid descent in to full blown fascism.

  • DessertStorms@lemmy.blahaj.zonetoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldAh shit
    11 hours ago

    were about to vote in a left wing party

    Bahahahahahahaha, omg I needed a good laugh this evening., thanks…

    Guy literally purged every halfway leftist in the fucking party, and has spent his entire time as leader, and is aiming his entire election campaign on, pleasing capitalists and maintain the status quo. The man doesn’t have a left leaning bone in his spineless self serving body.

  • Lol, I wasn’t making an argument that anything is “because of the Overton window”, the OP of this thread is literally describing how the Overton window works. You, and that other person not liking or understanding it, doesn’t change that, nor the fact that what op described is demonstrably happening in politics right in front of your fucking eyes, and only “doesn’t follow logic” if you’re aggressively wilfully ignorant.

  • So clearly I don’t speak for all disabled people, and as you say, and as is with any group, the needs of disabled people are individual and can change depending on many factors, so I don’t know if I can really give a conclusive answer to that.

    You do touch on respect, and that’d probably be the top priority (and again, probably applies to interacting with all people) - we don’t need saviours, we need comrades. Respect the individual and their boundaries, they know themselves better than you do, and if they say no to something, trust that they know what’s best and back off without taking personal offence (and if helping is contingent on someone being nice and eternally grateful - don’t do it. Only help another person because you want to help them, not because you’re looking for praise and adoration. Not saying you’d do this op, but far too many do - like people who grab your wheelchair and push without asking or being asked and then get angry when you ask them to stop).

    I think other than that, the main almost universal one would be electricity. Even if someone doesn’t depend on it to power life sustaining machinery and/or aids (and many do), or seems like they immediately need electricity to survive, things like maintaining and controlling bodily temperature can be difficult or even impossible for some, so things like air conditioning, or heating pads (which are also vital for many for pain management), are essential (E: also, communication devices!). So having portable generators or other alternative sources of backup power in case of emergency can be a huge help.

    Beyond that, the only way you can know is to get to know the disabled people in you community, build relationships friendships and trust, listen to them and let them know you’re there to offer help and support if they need it. If they feel safe and comfortable, they will come to you when and if they need it.

  • America’s big problem is not Joe Biden, it’s the menace to democracy posed by Donald Trump

    It’s neither, the problem is the illusion that we call democracy, and the compromises we (the people, not the rulers, of course) are told we have to make in order to maintain it (AKA the status quo) despite it being designed to keep us down (again, by providing an illusion of choice) rather than serve us.

    As another person already said - trump is just a symptom, it is the system that enables and encourages his existence, and it is the system that needs to be abolished if the working class is to ever have a shot at justice, equity, and equality.

    Articles like this are acts of systemic self defence - deflection to keep us looking at the illusion instead of the reality.

  • DessertStorms@lemmy.blahaj.zonetoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldPlease vote
    5 days ago

    Gaslighting the public in to maintaining the status quo for the rich and powerful…

    E: and before the die hard liberals descend on me and accuse me of being a trump supporter because they can only see the world in blue or red - the alternative being worse doesn’t make your guy any good (nor did I mention the word “vote” - or don’t - once), it only proves that the system is rigged to never serve you. Now if only you were willing to confront this admittedly uncomfortable fact and move on from the fairy tale you’ve been sold, we might actually get some progress instead of treading water by “reducing harm” (all the while harm is not actually being reduced, we’re just being held hostage in exchange for it theoretically not getting worse)

  • DessertStorms@lemmy.blahaj.zonetoMemes@lemmy.mlMood
    6 days ago

    I’m glad you’re finding the info helpful and insightful.

    I think with regards to use of language, this is another good read (E: also the understanding-disability link I attached earlier will will probably help with the “why” behind thinking “disabled” is a slur). It might be coming at this from a slightly different angle, but I think the point still stands - “politeness”, “offence”, “political correctness” these are terms most often used by the privileged to police the speech of and control marginalised people (aka “respectability politics”), rather than the other way around, but I might be digressing a little at this point lol…