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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2023


  • Commiunism@lemmy.wtftoMemes@lemmy.mlThis has to be a joke...
    13 days ago

    I remember making a comment once on .ml about how a news source they linked isn’t too credible, with mediafactbiascheck as source for that claim (as the site had historically gotten their news wrong), and the comment got removed for “blogspamming” or something lmao

    There’s certainly a degree of powertripping going over there with the mods, and I do feel like this one is gonna be removed as well for “bigotry” against mods or something

  • Commiunism@lemmy.wtftoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldSerbia moment
    1 month ago

    I have a friend in Serbia and apparently it’s just an election stunt. What the proposal from UN aims to do is to just establish a day of remembrance to a genocide that happened, but the ruling party has twisted it into “UN is trying to declare us as a genocidal nation” to garner increased support from the nationalists.

    The election itself is a re-run of a previous election, due to the previous election being pretty much rigged by the same ruling party. Simply incredible.

  • I used to also subscribe to this idea, treating Trump as a wake up call for the left in the US, but clearly this didn’t happen in his first term.

    There’s no large-scale support for the left, barely any effective organization, very few left-wing politicians who could actually do anything. If Trump got a second term, the response would likely not be any different.

  • My very first distro was Manjaro actually - I tried it twice but there would always be some graphics related issue I would encounter that I couldn’t troubleshoot as a beginner (even though I’d spend a week looking for a solution on forums), and I’d move back to Windows. Finally getting the courage to try out Arch which was considered the “big scary meme distro” was what made me stay with Linux.

    The biggest thing for me was that I actually knew what was installed on my system and what the function most of the major programs served (things like xorg, multilib graphics drivers, pipewire/pulseaudio, desktop environments/window managers), so whenever I encountered an issue or wanted to customize something, I would sort of know where to start looking.

    Of course, all this depends on the person - not all power users are the same. For me, arch worked best but someone else might gravitate towards fedora, debian or whatever else and their way of doing things.

  • Arch isn’t a bad choice for a new Linux user who was a power user on Windows. You get to actually know what’s installed on your system which can really help during the inevitable troubleshooting, though it’s definitely a trial by fire when it comes to manual install and setting up the environment.

    Recommending Gentoo to a new user though is a war crime.