• 1 Post
Joined 25 days ago
Cake day: February 11th, 2025


  • He came from nothing, born in the Northwest Territories, was smart, got scholarships to go to Harvard/Oxford. Got increasingly more senior jobs in his field, including Bank of Canada Governor during the 2008 banking crisis in Canada which came out largely unscathed, as a consequence - he was hired as the first non-British Bank of England Governor, and while he disagreed with Brexit in principle, he insulated the UK from the worst of that. He’s an economist with experience in dealing with two country-wide crises, which is exactly what Canada is going through right now - an economic crisis, not of our choosing. I’d much prefer that to PP who’s prior job experience is being a Telus collections agent, been in govt for 25 years and had never passed a bill. PP is nothing but a one-note grievance whiner.

  • It is deadly serious. Anyone who “doesn’t care” or “doesn’t pay attention to politics” is going to find out the hard way. We must shift away from the US in every respect as soon and as thoroughly as possible. Launch a capital campaign of building out east-west, highspeed rail across OUR country (not through theirs and I know that will be pricy but we have no choice, imagine the jobs a huge project like that would create). Reduce and remove interprovincial trade barriers, enable Canadians to be able to work anywhere in Canada (like the EU but just in our country), we have to build up our military - no question, we are being threatened with invasion, this has to happen yesterday, solidify our trade partnerships with anyone but the US, we need east-west pipelines too.