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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • I can’t see it happening any time soon, tbh. All the shit with Trump is purely spectacle. If it does wind up coming to blows, it won’t be a civil war so much as the government/capitalist class dealing with pawns they can’t control. They like having this tension and media circuses about voting - it’s good distraction from all the wretched shit we’re doing, and if anyone talks bad about US foreign policy, they can be accused of supporting Russian and/or China. However, it’s possible some MAGA dogs might slip the leash if Trump doesn’t win, convinced they need to “save democracy”. In which case, I guarantee, the politicians on both sides will disavow Trump and push for a bipartisan crackdown on the “radical insurrectionists” - most of whom will probably get pretty light sentences or deals, after seeing a few (if any) of their comrades get killed by a police/military response. Then we’ll probably see new legislation cracking down on “radicalism”, which will be used to target leftist media and literature.

    There is the slight chance, I suppose, that Trump has enough popular support from people who would do something about it, and that the US might be too shocked by a widespread insurrection (an actual one, not that pathetic display on January 6th), that they actually force a response. Just speculating here, but I’d wager it’d just lead to a fascist transition with Trump as some kind of Mussolini so the capitalists and their politicians can stay in power, nobody in power willing to wage a civil war over it. After that, you could make an argument for a war of resistance, but we’re already making too many assumptions here.

  • I had several catalysts while earning my BA in History. It’s a sick joke, and if you cry foul, they hold you in the same regard as Holocaust deniers or anti-vaxxers because you’re “fringe”.

    They’re half-aware of the double-standard, too. My professors talked a lot about the dubious nature of sources, and how much of modern historiography amounts to reinterpreting the available evidence to challenge narratives, and how much academia requires funding for research and catering to your sponsors.

    My favorite professor told me you wouldn’t find any “Stalin apologists” in academia today. He, and others, all astonished (and horrified) me once. We got to do this trip to Italy, and I mentioned an interest in seeing Roma culture. The prof leading the trip (an American, mind you) called them the g-word and said they’re all thieves. When I brought it up to my other history professors, all Americans, they agreed.

    The foundations are rotten. The body of “experts” is intentionally stacked to control the narrative. If you somehow get into a level of status and respect in the humanities, it will be through omission or deception. And if you ever speak against the narrative in regards to communism, you will be destroyed. Want to humanize Nazis or explain away responsibility for their actions? You’re free to do that. Want to point out the inconsistency of anticommunist fables? You won’t even be allowed to operate on the fringes. Even climate change deniers and anti-vaxxers will have more status than you.

    I wish I had any helpful advice.

  • I suspect the elites prefer Trump but keep up appearances. He’s a tool, like Mussolini or Hitler: a lacky of capitalists to bludgeon socialist movements and organize the rabid far-right into a tool to use for imperialism. But liberal values are still the dominant trend here, so they must keep up appearances. But, in that too, they like Trump. He’s a perfect scapegoat. They can give him some slack to crush their enemies, then use him as something to condemn in order to shift all responsibility from themselves. In that way, even the tragedies he causes become profitable.

    A better question is what are we (American comrades) doing in preparation for the inevitable crackdown we’ll receive?

  • Agreed. I’ve seen so many people here get 80% to a meaningful conclusion explaining why our country is the way it is, but they always refuse to finish the logic. Instead, they jump to some racist theory that a foreign power has corrupted the US, and therefore whatever element they disagree with is un-American sedition. Conservatives insist it’s Muslim or Chinese infiltration. Liberal progressives think it’s Russians. Nobody wants to admit it’s just all our insanity coming to a head.

    The greatest irony is that they’ll admit the government lies, big lies are told all the time, and we get tricked all the time. But introduce the concept that they lie about socialist countries, point out the consistency and pervasiveness of the lies, and that the US has everything to gain from lying, and they’ll call that a conspiracy theory. Even if you produce evidence, like CIA admissions to lying. I feel like I’m insane half the time.