Big_Bob [any]

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2022


  • The “gamer” identity is purely based on mindless consumption regardless of the product’s use value.

    You can buy overpriced chairs labeled for gamers. Powdered sugar, called G-fuel. Gamer shades, gamer branded clothes, fucking blue dyed mac and cheese with a picture of fucking Sonic the Hedgehog.

    A Gamer will drop his cash on the most random shit as long as it’s marketed for gamers.

    You could literally slap a gaming label on a bucket of dogshit and some hyperconsumerist gamerbrained troglodyte will squeal and fork over his lifesavings so he can validate his fake identity as a “gamer.”

  • Unquestionable support for DPRK and its heroic struggle, but I wonder how Best Korea will handle taking over a country where Mccarthyism never ended.

    Take the Russian war for example: the regions the Russians are going to annex will be easy for the locals to adjust to, since east Ukrainians are generally more russian-leaning than their westaboo nazis worshippers in Western Ukraine.

    South Koreans are force-fed scaremongering propaganda about communism and their northern brothers from birth.

    DPRK can absolutely take over SK, but the real challenge for them will be in actually holding the territory of a people who’s trained from birth to fear and hate the DPRK.

  • Man, I thought my dried magic mushrooms would be ruined after sitting in my shed for three years.

    I made a lemon tek shot with around 3.5 grams of the shrooms and held my nose while drinking the nasty sludge. I love mushrooms, but god damn i hate the taste.

    I plopped down in the bed, turned off the lights and put on some music while waiting to see if anything would happen.

    For the first ten minutes, all i could feel was a tingling sensation in my teeth and I bounce my feet to the music.

    Then, suddenly, my vision got filled with millions of brightly colored ribbons of light that exploded like fireworks in my head and formed immense landscapes of sparkling rays of color that created constantly changing patterns that danced and changed with the music.

    I lost myself entirely and became a being of pure light and merged with the eternal waves of dancing lights and ribbons.

    Everything that made up me disappeared and I was one with the beautiful cosmic explosions of pure color. No worries, no cares, just vibing with the infinite universe and drifting around endless worlds filled with bright, dancing colors.

    As the trip faded, I fell asleep for 14 hours and woke up at 18:00, cooked some food and wondering how much I’ve fucked up my sleep schedule now.

    10/10. It was an awesome experience.